Submitted by ArtofFlaneur t3_ydeczl in funny
ArmchairPancakeChef t1_itrn0nu wrote
Somebody call a Doctor cause that is one sick birb!
fellow_dude599 t1_itrnfyn wrote
Tiny Hawk
2VHSCopiesOfGoodGuys t1_itrniam wrote
tony bawk
Evilution602 t1_itrp9aw wrote
Anthony Chicken? Can he do a Frontside salad? I saw him kick out on a mega ramp and land gracefully.
CornmealGravy t1_itrpg60 wrote
Tony Chick
Madrasthebald t1_itrst6e wrote
That's Chicky Pete
shinobi500 t1_itrthkd wrote
Goddamn it Genie you better give me my wish back you know that's not what I meant!
SaltyCandleLicker t1_itrtpkf wrote
I always knew chicks dig the skateboard
deckard1980 t1_itrtrk2 wrote
Rodney Mull-hen
EbbZealousideal2806 t1_itru7a4 wrote
Bet me to it
ReallyBoredWriter t1_itrv2zx wrote
Tony Cluck
MetalHeadJoe t1_itrv96h wrote
And it's name is Tony Hawk.
ProbablyanEagleShark t1_itrvncj wrote
Hawk and Chick
echochambers_suck t1_itrwr6k wrote
Tony Bacawk
kerred t1_itrwvvs wrote
Insert Obligatory Skatebird reference here.
On a side note its a shame the game didn't get favorable reviews and it was a good attempt that more or less ONE person made a better game than Activision could make with Tony Hawk 5.
paint_the_fence t1_itryx3n wrote
This is the one
dlaneo1413 t1_its1ye4 wrote
Might I suggest Tiny Bawk
EmployeeBudget8907 t1_its3sf9 wrote
Baby hawk
shtonkalot t1_its83ih wrote
Tiny Hawk Pro SkateBirder
KngithJack t1_its99fz wrote
Damnit, that was the first thing that came to mind.
Ambitious-Hornet9673 t1_itsa1gi wrote
Missed opportunity to title it Tony Bawk!
MrMastodon t1_itsf3e4 wrote
The Bird Man himself
Creepertw0 t1_itsj4r7 wrote
Always thought that Tony Hawk was a guy. It's interesting to learn that he's actually a chick.
hyzermofo t1_itsux9e wrote
Tony Squawk, amirite?
redacted_cowruns t1_itsw3b6 wrote
In-peck-ible form
WasabiLevel506 t1_itt3u1g wrote
Potential_Suspect_64 t1_itt638i wrote
Tiny Squawk
Cigaradd_ict t1_itt9u15 wrote
You guys have this all wrong, it’s Larry bird. He just crashed skating to the basketball court.
Iam-broke-broke t1_itte5dq wrote
He was a skater birb she said see you later birb
jugglervr t1_ittj34z wrote
possiblyAB31 t1_ittpxst wrote
Zsean69 t1_ittr8yl wrote
beat me to it
Historical-Market732 t1_itu4swj wrote
Tony the skaterist hahaha
meticulous_marmot t1_itubint wrote
Goddamnit, this is eggsactly what I came to post.
nakedundercloth t1_ituh40j wrote
More like Tony Chick
PunctualPoops t1_itumtsj wrote
More like Ducky Lasek
FamousOhioAppleHorn t1_itus3f4 wrote
Toby Bird Pro Jockey
gummybearbill t1_itutqmr wrote
Skateboarding gets all the chicks
DeluxeWafer t1_itvihh3 wrote
Seems like a bit of a cheepskate to me.
ADistractedDad t1_itvkwse wrote
Tony Squak*
Dazzling_Ad_2072 t1_itvugqy wrote
Tony Chickenhawk
carolinezalogg t1_itvuv9s wrote
a daredevil
hyzermofo t1_itxadcc wrote
And that trick? It's a kick-fil-a...
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