deadlord56 t1_j29qzw6 wrote
It's the thought that counts
[deleted] t1_j29r0hc wrote
Treviathan88 t1_j29r2hh wrote
... huh?
Marimaru1 OP t1_j29racm wrote
Eh... You are probably right.
VoxulusQuarUn t1_j29rzb9 wrote
I Cena thing
Skvora t1_j29sruj wrote
Box was triple discounted as it should be, right?
Pankratos_Gaming t1_j29tvke wrote
All I see are two floating hands?
FreeTopper t1_j29ucc1 wrote
[deleted] t1_j29ui8w wrote
GrumpyOldGrower t1_j29ut7m wrote
I'm sure he'll find a way to be a make it right and be a peacemaker, no matter how many men, women and children he has to kill to do it!
BarbequedYeti t1_j29v3eb wrote
Treviathan88 t1_j29v433 wrote
Very helpful. Thanks for helping me understand!
Chirya999 t1_j29vhaj wrote
Ok, but can you take off his shirt?
[deleted] t1_j29wxee wrote
drainisbamaged t1_j29y2f5 wrote
I can't see the problem
VivaBeavis t1_j2a2d3q wrote
The figure is of wrestler John Cena, whose catchphrase is "you can't see me". This post is a regurgitation of a joke about it that's been beaten to death a million times over.
Treviathan88 t1_j2a2xyf wrote
sanguiniuswept t1_j2a5l2f wrote
And it keeps getting funnier
Infinite-Cheetah398 t1_j2a7rat wrote
You could have at least taken a picture of the box for us
ErrantsFeral t1_j2aacm0 wrote
Cena always reminds me of Tom from breakingthechains. If that's any consolation.
cs399 t1_j2adb38 wrote
What was supposed to be in it?
Away-Marionberry1766 t1_j2admsk wrote
I don't understand thus meme
Smart-Button-3221 t1_j2affxf wrote
John Cena's theme song "The Time is Now" repeats the lyrics "you can't see me, my time is now" in the chorus. So the internet jokes that John Cena can't be seen.
invisible-dave t1_j2agv8q wrote
I don't get it. I don't see me in that box.
Away-Marionberry1766 t1_j2aisp3 wrote
thanks man
KorgX3 t1_j2al4w3 wrote
I keep looking at his left hand like he's doing the 👌 thing, and realize I'm real fucking bad at this game.
kyeman11 t1_j2anefu wrote
Probably the rock.
wzl46 t1_j2ao81i wrote
DemonicIntellect t1_j2b0u6o wrote
your brother should have gifted you a duster brush
[deleted] t1_j2bc4e0 wrote
Chrupiter t1_j2bhic1 wrote
Is the right hand wrong?
Johnnymi25 t1_j2bufq6 wrote
Confused eagle swoops in
JULY_PROBABLY t1_j2cao04 wrote
The hands…
Malkyre t1_j2ces6m wrote
That's a brand new John Cena actsheeyon figure.
Orangewater4902 t1_j2cf3yh wrote
RegalusImmortal t1_j2cf5aj wrote
A round of applause for Mr. Obvious.
kyleontheroof t1_j2cs4h5 wrote
Nah, that's Potatoe salad
Sammy_GamG t1_j2dppnz wrote
Nice box though
Away-Variety-4991 t1_j2duzg2 wrote
I loved John Cena in the Invisible Man
AutoModerator t1_j29qrsj wrote
>This is a friendly reminder to read our rules. > >Memes, social media, hate-speech, and pornography are not allowed. > >Screenshots of Reddit are expressly forbidden, as are TikTok videos. > >Comics may only be posted on Wednesdays and Sundays. > >Rule-breaking posts may result in bans. > >Please also be wary of spam. >
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