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Pattoe89 t1_j6d42be wrote

Kind of yes, kind of no.

A carrot has a high amount of carbs and would definitely be bad for a rabbit if served by a human to a domesticated (or wild) rabbit.


In the wild a rabbit would eat the leaves and top of the carrot. These are actually pretty good for the rabbit.

For this meme to be more realistic, the rabbit wouldn't be pulling the carrot out of the ground. It would nibble the leaves and top and then leave. Other animals, insects and micro-organisms would consume the rest of the carrot.


JR_Ferreri t1_j6drzg3 wrote

I scrolled a little bit down and immediately saw Bunny devouring a snowman’s nose.


Pattoe89 t1_j6f5pfx wrote

Snowmen only show up in the wild during the winter months due to the natural phenomenon of Santa's magic, also snowmen noses are healthier than carrots due to their christmas magic.


JR_Ferreri t1_j6fjuw1 wrote

Well if you’re going to bring science into it I can’t argue with that!