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maxcorrice t1_j8b65fl wrote

We need to figure out how to integrate these into our current nervous system, the apparent lack of connections to existing nerves in amputees is ridiculous, we should be able to hook prosthetics in that move like the original and then some

what we really need right now is a transhumanist billionaire


jetstobrazil t1_j8bdptx wrote

Rather, we should just fund medical research and enact universal healthcare, and give the billionaires some free time to pay and file their full taxes.


maxcorrice t1_j8bepzc wrote

In order to get true advancements you need someone who is incredibly rich and incredibly interested

both of those are great, but even if we did those right now we’d still be looking at the same tech for decades at our rate of advancement, it takes one (1) billionaire who wants a robo arm to get nerve mapping going


jetstobrazil t1_j8bfkkc wrote

Billionaires are leeches and thieves and they don’t get to just decide when society advances.

Pretty sure a couple of random dudes who fixed bikes made the airplane, and nasa invented a ton of “true advancements” using our tax dollars, without some dumb billionaire turning the rocket into a penis analogue.

We don’t need to wait for a thieving boss to decide to help so they can commodify their premium limbs to those worthy, we extract the help from them in the form of owed taxes, and move society forward together.


maxcorrice t1_j8bk215 wrote

And now a trashy dumbass billionaire who’s obsessed with mars one upped nasa through funding his own rocket company, we both clearly don’t like it, but things don’t get done fast unless those with lots of money want them to, i mean fuck it required two dictators who are two of the worst people in history to get us to the moon (albeit indirectly from the first and competition with the second)


jetstobrazil t1_j8bol6l wrote

Yea he didn’t fund it, he bought it, and then we subsidized it as tax payers.

They didn’t one up NASA, who has been underfunded for decades, and has landed humans on the moon, they outspent them.

Collecting taxes which are owed anyway, and funding important programs is a good way to be one of those with “lots of money” and can get things done fast.

The dictators didn’t get us to the moon, funding NASA and recruiting scientists and engineers through funding got us to the moon.


pimpmayor t1_j8chf6b wrote

I vibe with your point, but the tax breaks that companies like spacex/tesla and Amazon get are specifically to fund research, that's how they get the tax breaks.


maxcorrice t1_j8bsk9y wrote

Buying something is funding it, he then used his money to get that taxpayer money

the end result is what matters here, NASA should have way more control over their operations and much more funding but that’s not how it is sadly, and if we did prosthetics the same way the shuttle program went we’d still be stuck on hooks

anything government funded has so much excess bureaucracy that it’ll never be fast, best we can hope for is the lowest level being fast so the common person doesn’t experience delays on current stuff, but R&D is only going to go fast if there’s some big incentive, and again, without someone powerful or some nutcase cutting off thousands of arms overnight, the incentive won’t be there

Von Braun, critical to the apollo program, would never have been hired if not for his work on the V2 rocket, and NASA would never have been funded enough for the apollo program if not for the soviets and the space race

kiddo you’re living in a fantasy world, social programs are amazing for stuff that’s here and now, but they don’t push development without immense pressure


-1KingKRool- t1_j8cnp0e wrote

Buying is not funding it.

He gave money to people no longer associated with it (they took the money with them) in exchange for ownership of the company. No additional funds were injected into the company by the transaction, only the person at the top of the chain changed.


gee_gra t1_j8duf5x wrote

>he then used his money to get that taxpayer money

What a funny little sentence


maxcorrice t1_j8duqpn wrote

That’s how lobbying for government contracts works


gee_gra t1_j8dz7ds wrote

Okay? Still a funny little sentence, though apparently fairly normal for somewhere utterly corrupt like America lol


maxcorrice t1_j8dzxbz wrote

Yep, didn’t say it wasn’t, it’s the reason the saying “gotta spend money to make money” exists


mw19078 t1_j8bzqfs wrote

Almost every single major tech advancement in our lifetimes came from government funding and government agencies. You're delusional if you actually believe this shit.


maxcorrice t1_j8c1ytz wrote

Name one that wasn’t either pushed by or done in reaction to someone with either great wealth or great power and not a great person


MrLeBAMF t1_j8cd12i wrote

Name one that has.


maxcorrice t1_j8cf3ol wrote

The first “modern” computers were designed to decipher nazi codes, the internet was built for military and espionage purposes (which is a collective of rich folks when you break it down), pretty much everything coming out of the space race can be pinned on american oligarchs and soviet dictators, air conditioning was created to de-humidify factories, and that’s just a few, give me specifics and i can identify them easier rather than trying to think of random things


toasterdogg t1_j8ctll5 wrote

> nazi codes

Government program

> internet

Government program

> space race

I don’t get it, how can you be this dumb? These are all points against rich people being the driving force behind advancement instead of government initiatives funded by taxes.

Government program


maxcorrice t1_j8d6uxy wrote

> done in reaction to

i mean if you want some rich or powerful person to start cutting peoples limbs off instead go for it


MrLeBAMF t1_j8d8k20 wrote

All of those you listed were specifically done by the government and not rich people.


maxcorrice t1_j8dacap wrote

In reaction to rich and powerful

also since when is AC a government program?


gee_gra t1_j8dvn1c wrote

>which is a collective of rich folks when you break it down

Hahahahaahahahahah "even when it was the government, I knew it was our benevolent rich overlords" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


maxcorrice t1_j8dygnh wrote

I see you have never heard of the military industrial complex


HuckleSmothered t1_j8c250h wrote

If you figure out a non degrading, non-scar or plaque generating nerve to computer interface. And the decoding systematics to feed back into nerves. You’ll definitely win a Nobel or some other big prize.

The body hates having foreign stuff stuck in it.


maxcorrice t1_j8c2wn6 wrote

Definitely, but we aren’t super far off, things like cochlear implants and the many many things we’ve done for the heart are the first steps, definitely not the direct building blocks, but not unrelated


HuckleSmothered t1_j8c3aoo wrote

Do Cochlear feed straight to the nerve? Or do they interface with the tissue connected to the nerve?


maxcorrice t1_j8c3tt3 wrote

seems like nerve? i can’t tell exactly, everywhere i look it is designed for the extreme laymen


dameprimus t1_j8d4s6v wrote

Look at this diagram:

That’s the cochlea in cross section. Easiest way to think about it is that the cochlea is a bundle of 3 hollow tubes. The nerve runs through one tube and the cochlear implant is placed in a different tube (the scala tympani).


Illustrious-Yard-871 t1_j8bibnp wrote

What the hell kinda precursor is that? No we don’t need any billionaires


maxcorrice t1_j8bkja2 wrote

Wish we didn’t but that’s how the world goes, if you don’t have someone with lots of money or power pushing something, and most importantly funding it, it crawls at a snails pace, we didn’t get to the moon without one dictator pushing for long range ballistic missiles and one trying to use space exploration for propaganda


legalthrowaway565656 t1_j8bgrdq wrote

I also wonder how close we are to custom making new genitals for pleasure increasing.

Like when will someone make a hyper sensitive plumbus out of someone’s junk?