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Tronguy93 t1_is5cqin wrote

Can’t wait for a private collector to buy it and they will stay unreleased


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is6i1x8 wrote

Well, Martin shrikeli is out of prison


iampuh t1_is6vnxc wrote

Hope he stays off of social media. It's bad for him


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is70imj wrote

I hate to tell you this, but he was already on Reddit getting fanboyed over on WallStreetBet right after getting out…


DreadBarbie t1_is74enp wrote

He’s been fanboyed on wallstreetbets for years. Fanboyed enough that he was a mod. So nothing new


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_is74keu wrote

I’m just saying that the dude got out of prison and went straight to Reddit, so the hope that he’ll stay off social media is in vain lol


ThirdeyeReddit t1_is72bfy wrote

And had a hilarious RP Twitter account as a Latin reggaeton artist Lol downvotes for facts


ratsmdj t1_is99ref wrote

He’s not a bad guy though. Imo; big pharma charges us insane prices on drugs. He copped a drug comp; resold the drugs to the insurance company for insane Markup; those with no ins or couldn’t afford it he gave it to them for free. Just because he spun around and played the At their own game; they got mad. Tbh I wasn’t even mad at him I applauded him.

In the end it doesn’t cost you anything if the drug = 800 bucks; your insurance covers it. No I s? No worries it’s totes free, if you’re from an ins company he billed you the max rate. Looks like a hero to me


boluserectus t1_is9fynp wrote

I guess you also fell for the "it will trickle down" propaganda..


Lord_Matt_Berry t1_is9l9q0 wrote

What do you think happens when insurance companies have to pay excessive amounts? Maybe they will lower the premiums to make everyone happy and save money? Or maybe, just maybe it will lead towards more outrageous insurance prices…

Having Insurance isn’t a magic bullet. It’s a shit sandwich that gets covered in more shit. Pharma/The medical industry is taking the nation through the ringer with outrageous costs, rampant greed, and disgusting bloat. Jacking up the price for insurance is an absolutely a terrible move motivated solely by greed and done knowingly of the fact it will screw everyone over more in the long run.


PeterDTown t1_is9t13m wrote

Thank you for perfectly illustrating the root cause of the problem.


ashbyashbyashby t1_is8lqub wrote

Shkreli is human garbage. But from what I understand the whole purpose of the Wu Tang album was that it not get a commercial release. He followed the groups wishes


mcnichoj t1_is9izq8 wrote

Correction, they sold the album and the rights to it. Any owner of the album can go and mass produce it. That's part of the reason why the sale was such a big deal.


ashbyashbyashby t1_is9jehg wrote

No, not a correction at all as you're incorrect. Nobody is allowed to sell versions of it for 88 years. They can sell the single copy, but otherwise they can only give it away or play it at listening parties.


mcnichoj t1_isdtkgm wrote

So which is it, "that it not get a commercial release" or "is allowed to sell version of it [after] 88 years"?


ashbyashbyashby t1_isdtxqh wrote

Both. The owner owns the single physical copy and the copyright/publishing rights. They can sell all of these, as a bundle, at anytime, obviously for millions of dollars. But the conditions for any future purchaser of the item and publishing rights are that they can't duplicate it for profit until next century. There are exemptions for private listening parties, and evidently free streaming. Its really not that hard to grasp.


JaceTheWoodSculptor t1_isenga0 wrote

You clearly have no idea who Shkreli really is lol. You are precisely the kind of person he’s trolling.

There is more to stories than what you read on the front page of reddit…


ashbyashbyashby t1_isenvwv wrote

I literally called him human garbage. Regardless of what he would've liked to do with the Wu Tang album he was legally bound. I wish I was as worldly and enlightened as you though.

If you think you know somebody I dont then say it. Don't be obtuse and pretend it was a mic drop moment.


JaceTheWoodSculptor t1_iseos2z wrote

Why would I waste my time lecturing you when you clearly have a final opinion and you are passive-agressively insulting me on the opinion you just asked about ?

You called him human garbage. I’m calling you ill informed.

If you are passionate about him to the extent of calling him human garbage and insulting people who don’t share your opinion, why don’t you scratch that itch and go read up on him ? I’m sure you can read faster than I can type on my phone.


ashbyashbyashby t1_iseov5a wrote

Wait... you're a Shkreli supporter?!!!


Raincoats_George t1_it5bphi wrote

I've actually followed him pretty closely. I've listened to all of his bullshit excuses. Watched him talk for 40 minutes about it once. He's a fast talker. He has an answer for everything. But at the end of the day he did what he did and then followed it up with just some light felonies.

He's trash. Anyone simping for him might as well just stick with their musk fetish.


qcon99 t1_is7smnc wrote

I’m uninformed, who is he? And why don’t people like him?


adv0catus t1_is7v048 wrote

He bought the rights to a drug and jacked the price up by like 5,000% or something along those lines.


qcon99 t1_is7vhr5 wrote

Interesting, I did a google search and found this:

> In September 2015, Shkreli was widely criticized when Turing obtained the manufacturing license for the antiparasitic drug Daraprim and raised its price by 5,455% (from US$13.50 to $750 per pill).

Turing is a pharmaceutical company he founded and was ceo of.

> In 2017, Shkreli was charged and convicted in federal court on two counts of securities fraud and one count of conspiring to commit securities fraud, unrelated to the Daraprim controversy.[7] He was sentenced to seven years in federal prison and up to $7.4 million in fines.


bluepsychedelia t1_is86ll9 wrote

Not sure what you’re trying to say here


qcon99 t1_is89v44 wrote

Oh I think he’s a scumbag for doing it, but I find little tidbits of random info here and there interesting to know is all


JaceTheWoodSculptor t1_ise530c wrote

u/martinshkreli cannot hear you over the sound of that Wu-Tang album.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_iseebbr wrote

He doesn’t it have it anymore lol. He promised to release it if Trump won in 2016, didn’t, then tried to sell it. The DOJ took it before the sale went through when he got arrested and auctioned it off. It got purchased by some NFT company that says they want to release it but still haven’t like a year later.


professorDissociate t1_is70wai wrote

Yeah… I’m just thinking about how awesome it would be to open-source something like this. Create a rom for everyone to enjoy. The collector can still have the only existing non-digitized copy.

But that is unlikely, isn’t it?


TNoStone t1_is9fmwa wrote

It’s impossible. You’re suggesting he digitize it and then call it non-digitized.


professorDissociate t1_isadufe wrote

The only copy which is not digitized. It’s still a cartridge, which is distinctive from a digital rom. I think we are using the word “digitized” differently here, or we’re applying a different scope to the word.


TNoStone t1_ismnfzx wrote

Yeah I think you’re mistaken. If they uploaded the rom then the game would be digitized. Then they wouldn’t own a non digitized game. Their game would be available for download therefore digitized therefore worth much less