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MorgrainX OP t1_isb2351 wrote


They will probably rebrand it to a 3070 (since it is in fact a 70 card, maybe TI) and reduce the price, since the community feedback was overwhelmingly bad.


kenman345 t1_isb2ops wrote

They basically named them the same so people didn’t have much prestige so they want the 4090 more. The 4080 with 12GB should’ve been the mobile version if it even existed like that. The same name thing never made sense. Glad they’re cancelling it


Asuka-02- t1_isb85t9 wrote

The chips have already been manufactured, binned, and shipped to board partners and Nvidia's own manufacturing for reference cards.

So they aren't cancelling anything. Just putting an arguably more appropriate sticker on the box.


FormulaTacoma t1_isbfvp7 wrote

This generation seems so unnecessary. People can barely just walk in and get the 30 series whenever they want. And is there really anything taxing the 30 series yet?


FormulaTacoma t1_isbie5r wrote

I dunno but if you don’t like the developers catch up with using the horsepower then what’s the point?

Like if Ti cards were coming out this year and 40 series next year would anyone actually care?


FormulaTacoma t1_isbitmr wrote

Yah but like 1 game? Plus is seems like the vast majority are playing e sports games that still run on my rx580. I’m ready to upgrade and it’s so overwhelming now lol


jl_theprofessor t1_isbjke9 wrote

I'm just going to sit on my 3090 TI until the 5000 series because this generation is a mess.


M0dusPwnens t1_isbkfsc wrote

They want more scarcity so people who have been waiting will buy the 4090 instead of continuing to wait for the cheaper cards. The name change is just an excuse.

Decent chance they engineered the seemingly nonsensical product naming so they'd have this excuse. There was no good explanation for why they named things that way, but it makes sense if they wanted to keep this escape hatch open for themselves.

I can only imagine how pissed off their partners must be with these last-second changes, especially after they were already so hard to work with that they drove EVGA away.

I have never seen as many people I know looking to upgrade as I have this generation, and they were all waiting on the 4000s. Nearly all of them have only ever owned Nvidia cards. And now not a single one of them plans to buy Nvidia. They're all waiting for AMD. Crazy how badly Nvidia is tanking its reputation.


homelessdreamer t1_isbl73k wrote

Do you remember when crysis came out. Building a computer that could run that game became such a cultural phenomenon within the enthusiast community it is still used as a trope today. 1 game is all it takes to keep things rolling.


invisatrooper t1_isbow6p wrote

I’ve got 1080ti and it’s spot on for almost everything. Yeah I don’t get 120fps at 4K but who actually cares.


CosmicCreeperz t1_isbowod wrote

Probably not. But the reverse is also true. People will buy whatever is the fastest for their price range at the time. I’d be pretty happy to get a 4080 for the same price as a 3080 a few months ago, and not have to upgrade for an extra couple years…

That said I don’t even really want a 4K monitor, let alone have one already. And I have no interest in 200Hz gaming, 120Hz is more than enough for me. I think the truly functional real time ray tracing and high end VR support is the only reason I’d consider it now. But it’s irrelevant for me since I just overpaid for an (MSRP, still) 3080 earlier this year. Oh well.

Honestly though I do get your point - IMO the big problem isn’t necessarily that there is no use for faster cards, it’s that the market is so saturated with SKUs no one can figure out what the fuck they should get any more… I feel like a lot of “last gen” cards are either going to get very cheap and/or lose OEMs a bunch of money…


LockCL t1_isbp1xq wrote

Yay, more Linus videos about this.


Numarx t1_isbp5fj wrote

It was much more of a meme than an actual bar that people were competing for. No one said "Can it run Crysis at max settings?". It was pretty much "Can it run Crysis?". My shitty ass computer could run Crysis just fine. Hell a lot of youtubers who run benchmarks still use CS-GO as a benchmark.


JohnnyGFX t1_isbsbbl wrote

I'll stick with my Asus ROG Strix 3080 OC. My current monitor is a 4k 55" curved LED that only really does 60hz (it has a 120hz upscale 'feature' but can't accept an actual 120hz signal). So, for right now the bottleneck for me is my monitor. I'm thinking I'll upgrade to a 4k true 120hz OLED monitor before I upgrade my video card.


I_R0M_I t1_isbtozp wrote

I was pretty excited a while back, hearing the 4080 was going to be faster than 3090Ti etc....

Then more details dropped about the 4080 not using the 4090 chip etc.

Then EVGA pulling out....

Sticking with my 3080 FTW Ultra this time round.


SgtThund3r t1_isbuczc wrote

NVIDIA makes surprise announcement about upcoming RTX 4070!


oNOCo t1_isbycjd wrote

And cyberpunk will still run like shit and have issues rendering its world


FormulaTacoma t1_isbyjhh wrote

Maybe it’s because the 30 series took so long to become generally available. At least with like an iPhone it’s fully on the shelf within a month or two of release


acidrain69 t1_isbypfq wrote

I’ll stick with my 1080. That was a hug purchase when I got it, now they expect 3x as much for a card? FU Nvidia, I hope Intel and AMD take you down a few pegs.


Blastoxic999 t1_isc16o2 wrote

Cancel culture saves the day (again, probably).


Fugueknight t1_isc9cyd wrote

VR is also a big performance suck. Most native VR games run pretty efficiently, but if you want to play sim games with a VR mode you pretty much need a 3080+ to get decent power for a 4k headset (and 4k is the "minimum" for sim games - obviously people make do with less, but it's tough to read dials/labels/etc. below 4k).


StrudelStrike t1_isccvs9 wrote

My 1080 still runs everything I’m even a little bit interested in playing on my PC just fine. But I don’t play multiplayer games so I don’t have to pick stuff up while there are still people playing it.


HiCanIPetYourCat t1_iscfnqd wrote

I’m getting a 4090 whenever I can find one easily. I don’t care about any of the politics or complaints I’ve seen, I just want ray tracing maxed in 4k at 60 fps and the card does that so. I’m sold. The price isn’t that crazy especially considering I’ll get 700 back out of my 3080.

The card is a waste of time for anyone not playing in 4k but for people like me playing on a giant OLED from the couch this is a huge deal and totally worth it.


LeeHarvey81 t1_isckxwh wrote

It was supposed to be the 4070 but they still got a lot of 30xx cards to sell


kenman345 t1_iscmz5w wrote

I’m still happy with myGTX 1080 for now. Definitely showing it’s age but I don’t have the time for the latest games anyways. Might wait until next generation and hope for something more power efficient at the performance level I want, and a price to match


Scoobz1961 t1_iscooc0 wrote

Does the game run badly? I am using the cheapest 1060 6GB I was able to buy many years ago and high visuals at 1080p average at 48fps. I am actually really surprised how well it runs on my shitty old card.


M-Rich t1_iscx3op wrote

I remember how media and press wasn't really convinced the 2070 super was a good deal. But then the whole supplychain thing and COVID happened and boom, best timed purchase ever imo. Super happy with it, will ride it at least one more gen


DrawTheLine87 t1_iscy9xp wrote

I’m guessing this is partly because of the backlash, but I’m more inclined to believe it’s because they got wind of something from AMD….


G1ntok1_Sakata t1_isd8ibp wrote

The "4080 12GB" will perf 52% - 58% of the full die card (4090Ti). That's XX60Ti territory and not XX70 territory. Don't let Nvidia fool with with the "whoop it actually a 4070" bs.


G1ntok1_Sakata t1_isd8t9o wrote

Which funnily enough it's still gonna perf 52% - 58% of the full card, the 4090Ti. It'll be a XX60Ti class card marketed as a XX70(Ti) card and everyone will clap for Nvidia cuz whoop whoop they the hero. We live in sad times eh?


killaho69 t1_isdb8vl wrote

No this guy is just stuck in a year old circle jerk. I had CP2077 running on a 3080 and an i5-9600k with 16gb ram AT LAUNCH, 4k on max settings and DLSS, getting 50-75ish FPS.


bleaucheaunx t1_isddq15 wrote

1080ti still going strong. Too many other money priorities in my life to warrant giving nVidia any more money.


cyclopeon t1_isdgggv wrote

I was contemplating the same jump actually. I'm building my daughter's first PC so I was going to give her my 3080 and buy a 4000 series. Didn't have to, but figured why not...

Then Nvidia introduced the "4080s" 🤣


oNOCo t1_isdl337 wrote

Yeah, I had to send my 2070 in and it took Gigabyte 7 months to get me a new one. The apologized by giving me a 2070 super. Its been serving me really well :)


oNOCo t1_isdlgfy wrote

Yeah, I was on high at 1440p. But halfway through the game my worlds/levels started loading with missing objects/assets. The part where you wake up towards the end in the rippers clinic, the walls were invisible, floors were invisible, etc lots was missing. That and the very very end... the whole building except a few columns were missing until I walked out on the roof. I could see through the world. No matter of saving loading or graphics adjustment would fix it


Russ-T-Axe t1_isdlr98 wrote

970 and it’s time but it still works great for everything I play. With the price of cards I picked up a ps5 for my son to play newer titles like elden ring etc. I would love to build a new pc but the price of components is crazy.


swisstraeng t1_isdtyd5 wrote

Is it the same chip though?

Oh it's not.

The AD102 chip is used on the 4080ti, 4090, 4090ti and rtx6000 (quadro card)
AD103 is used only on the 4080 16gb? Wtf.
AD104 is used on 4060 up to 4080 12gb, wtf.
AD106 is used on the 4050 and that's it for now.
AD107 is not yet used. But that'd be for something like a 4030 or 4010...

I am guessing they will want at some point to make some RTX 4080ti with the AD103 chip perhaps? Or maybe they will make quadro cards with them..? Or they will bring back the "super" editions...

The hell is wrong with Nvidia this generation...


nailbunny2000 t1_ise16ix wrote

It's crazy to me the amount of inconvenience this must cause their AIB partners. I mean it's launching in a month. Marketing, packaging, documentation, would all have been done, there would likely be tens of thousands of them already on container ships at this point that will need to either be recalled or repackaged. What a shit show.


dustofdeath t1_ise4anx wrote

Someone with a brain in marketing who actually follows media saw the kind of damage this was doing and would have led to lawsuits after launch (misleading product name, different hardware).

A new name is fine, regardless of price/perf. Market will decide if it will be a flop or not. But at least it's clear what you are buying.


ColinM9991 t1_isehh82 wrote

This exactly.

There probably never was a "3080 12GB". It's likely it's always been a 3070 and Nvidia did this because they're scumbags and wanted to push people towards the 4090. It's all very coincidental that they make this decision after the launch and 2 days of buyers getting their share.


Looks like AIBs actually have produced 4080 12GB cards as they're now deconstructing these, and I doubt they'd get in on a conspiracy with Nvidia. So Nvidia really do just like fucking everyone over.