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NoConversation9358 t1_ituamz4 wrote

Just enough time to get somewhere slightly more safe. A 10 second warning is a goddamn miracle if you don't have one.


r0ndy t1_ituavha wrote

It sounds dramatic, but you're right. That time is the difference between standing under a chandelier and moving to a doorway.


RoastedRhino t1_itv5mld wrote

Also for a surgeon to lift the scalpel.

Or for a LASIK machine to turn off the laser in your eye.

Edit: adding because these examples came from a paper I read some time ago.

Stop high speed trains.

Lower crane loads.

Shut down natural gas pipes.

Turn off high speed machines like metal extrusion mills (don’t google accident videos)


graflig t1_itv7u0h wrote

Damn I’m getting LASIK next week and I didn’t need this additional worry


r0ndy t1_itvfhrl wrote

I'd assume the laser has safety stuff, but being a surgeon, that's a unique concern and issue!


AskingForAFriendRly t1_itukko6 wrote

Middle of a building to a stairwell.


NewDad907 t1_ituui5p wrote

Stairwells are not good during an earthquake.


AskingForAFriendRly t1_itv54c3 wrote

Best you can do in 10 sec. Structurally sound in comparison to the interior with no/few windows.


NewDad907 t1_itxzbxn wrote

I’ve had firefighters literally come to our building and describe how the stairs collapse inside the stairwell shafts, crushing and killing people.

I live in Alaska where earthquakes are a part of life.

Find an interior door and stand in the door frame.