
RoastedRhino t1_jdva5rd wrote

It's still much bigger than people think.

We were on a group retreat and I convinced by office mates to look at the sky (we were next to a glacier in one of the darkest skies I have ever seen) and Andromeda is big! The general comment by everybody was "I thought it was something you cannot see without a telescope, or something tiny that you need to enlarge to see". But it's actually a big object in the sky!


RoastedRhino t1_j5ivepc wrote

I have heard this advice multiple times but I don’t think it works well. I think this way you severely overestimate your budget.

If something costs 1 hour or work, it seems like one eight of a day. In your brain, you could think that you can make 8 of those expenses a day.

In reality, you are probably working from 9 to lunch break to pay rent. Then another couple of hours to pay taxes. And one hour to pay insurances. You are left with one or two hours of time when you are working to earn money you can dispose of freely. And part of it should go to savings for your old age.

So effectively the LPT is ok if you think of an expense in terms of time and then you ALSO know how many minutes you are working for fun money per day, but at that point why don’t you just learn how to do your budget in dollars and get an estimate of your weekly budget for shopping/ dining out/ entertainment, etc.?

Maybe it takes some effort, but it seems to a good investment of your time.


RoastedRhino t1_j0yupxf wrote

I have a garmin watch and my approach to workout and exercising has changed completely. And I was a volleyball player and coach before, so not someone that struggled to be active. It makes a ton of difference when your lifestyle requires you to be active in an irregular way, with individual activities, and in a way that is compatible with work and family duties.


RoastedRhino t1_iuh8c8e wrote

But in this case it clearly isn't. A bar of percentage growth in 45 years is exactly as informative as writing in the title "CEO salary increased 15 times in the last 45 years, US stock market grew 10 times in the same period".

Even the use of percentages when the percentage is of the order of 1500 is a very lazy choice. With two decimal points........

So many questions unanswered: when the stock market fell, did the CEO salaries fell as well? Are some sectors leading the increase? Are companies getting bigger, so that a larger salary per CEO capita could correspond to a somehow constant top-management expenditure across the board? What was inflation in the same period?

All these questions could have been answered via minimal modifications of the chart.


RoastedRhino t1_iuh81nf wrote

I disagree, you are kind of suggesting that making a pie chart or a bar chart 3D makes it beautiful. Maybe we should define what beautiful means. There are definitely examples where the representation of the data highlights some additional information, pattern, or interpretation, that would otherwise be missed. This is what makes a data representation beautiful.


RoastedRhino t1_iu3viy6 wrote

Well, it's pretty clear that if my monitor has three leds, each one emitting light at different frequencies, the only thing that they can produce is the sum of lights at those frequencies, not another frequency.

And viceversa: there are colors that come from mixtures of frequencies and you cannot have with one frequency (purple).

Having said that, we only have three types of receptors, and it is possible to match the response of those as good as possible.


RoastedRhino t1_itvocei wrote

Spain must be shipping the bad one abroad. Jokes aside, they are huge producers, so they also produce cheap one. If I don’t know the brand, I stay away from Spanish oil at the supermarket because it could be potentially really bad. For some reason the Italian one is more consistent.

Clearly this has little to do with what country produces the best one, I am talking about supermarket oil.


RoastedRhino t1_itv5mld wrote

Also for a surgeon to lift the scalpel.

Or for a LASIK machine to turn off the laser in your eye.

Edit: adding because these examples came from a paper I read some time ago.

Stop high speed trains.

Lower crane loads.

Shut down natural gas pipes.

Turn off high speed machines like metal extrusion mills (don’t google accident videos)


RoastedRhino t1_is0cwb1 wrote

OK, but would a doctor/ER decide based on an ID? Which in some cases would list the gender, in some cases the biological sex?

If medical reasons matter, then allergies should be there before biological sex, and in any case the medical data should not be there to be inspected by anybody that handles ID.

Of all things, biological sex seems something that a doctor can ask or (if the patient cannot respond) verify by other means.

From what I know, they don't even trust your blood type indication and test you anyway (and provide you with universal donor blood in the meanwhile).


RoastedRhino t1_irzky61 wrote

Height is actually used for identification. I saw the training for people that check IDs and the first thing they were told to do is to estimate the height before looking at the ID, then check that. It’s something hard to fake.

But yes, everything else should either have a purpose or go.