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viodox0259 t1_itzbi4a wrote

Twocentjay JUST did a video on this, he TRIED to melt it and he couldn't. However I'd like to see the test done inside a case


here's the video for those interested.


BadKarmaSimulator t1_iu1dvlg wrote

Yeah, it seems weird to start the article off "Even if certain YouTube celebrities are of a different opinion because they seem to have found a willing object of hate in the 12VHPWR once again" in regards to a legit fire hazard in people's homes. People are acting like that Jay dude is fearmongering while shit is literally burning.


zachsp2 t1_itzgdcm wrote

I think he said he’s was going to when if he finds out what cases were used


[deleted] t1_itzq0zh wrote



workThrowaway459837 t1_itztft4 wrote

> At 450 watts max draw at standard 120V mains power, the supply is only going to be pushing 3.75 Amps through the connector.

The problem was never the C13/C14 connector handling mains power. The power supply feeds 12V DC to the card over the connector we're talking about, for 37.5 amps that that connection handles.


censored_username t1_iu08r2r wrote

It is a 12VDC connector. At 600W that means 50A up, 50A down. 8.3A per pin. And that's assuming it's all perfectly balanced, which with these connections, it won't be.


foxrun89 t1_iu2f32m wrote

I’ve got mine bent at 90 degrees and have been playing control all week. HWInfo shows 600~ watt pull and my cable is fine. We need more data.