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GermanRedditorAmA t1_iv0jaah wrote

I mean current cards are miles ahead of current gen consoles. I recently upgraded, but my last 1070 rig from 6 years ago was still running almost everything perfectly fine, except those "graphic card sellers" type of products. If you consider that most games worth playing are indie titles that could run on decade old hardware anyway, I don't see a big problem. I also think that necessity to upgrade will decrease even further in the future.

It's a trend, PC gaming will become more niche, but at least for the generation that grew up with them, I think it'll be there forever.


mandelmanden t1_iv0vnma wrote

Even so, the "AAA" titles will run absolutely fine on a far more budget system. There's a reason why GPU reviews hardly include 1080p results - it's not very relevant seeing 400-600 FPS in a graph.Most people have a 1080p or at most a 1440p panel, those will be driven just fine at 60+ FPS on 2-300$ cards at medium-high settings and will continue to do so for years to come.

As for most games I have on my "want to play" list, they're something that hardly make my 5700 XT break a sweat. One of those games I've been playing is literally built on the Quake engine, yes not even the Q3 engine, the first one.


jl_theprofessor t1_iv0vxl8 wrote

Yeah just did a quick look. My 3090TI is way more powerful than the PS5 and looks like it's going to be sufficient for a long time to come.


Catch_022 t1_iv1k8dt wrote

IIRC the PS5 is something like a 2070 super in terms of performance so yeah


User9705 t1_iv344zt wrote

And keep the power company happy.🤣


Auirom t1_iv0k8ms wrote

Bought a 970 and used it for 8 years. No issues with any game I played cause the majority of them were as you said, indie games. Crosscode, Hero Siege, Neon Chrome, and Moon Hunters to name a few. Big company games are fun but they lack the replayability and challenge I enjoy from the indie games


blahbleh112233 t1_iv0oygf wrote

Agree. Doesn't help too that almost all games are cross platform and the ones that aren't seem to be more CPU heavy anyways. Anything cross platform will be playable by decades old cards.