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RayTracing_Corp t1_iv25y78 wrote

Apple Foxconn factories pay good money for the workers. Nearly 2-3x that of local factory labour wage and have good working conditions.

It’s not the sweatshop you think it is.


Sml132 t1_iv4die6 wrote

Three cents per hour versus one. Gotta make sure they can still afford the anti suicide nets of course


RayTracing_Corp t1_iv4lyu4 wrote

Lol you know nothing. There’s a reason Apple factories here rarely have open positions.

You can have a decent life on their wages. Cost of living is very less here.


n3m37h t1_iv29tvi wrote

is that why they added anti suicide nets to their buildings?


asamulya t1_iv2a8rk wrote

Find one on the Indian factories and I’ll agree with you. The Indian labor market is significantly different to China. The cost of labor is cheaper there.


n3m37h t1_iv2bbp1 wrote

If ya think Apple will pay more for the same you are living in fairtale land.

Everything in india is corrupt, you get shot ya gotta pay the cops to not arrest ya.


iJ1001 t1_iv2gmo3 wrote

Lol what, are you even indian? Foxxcon pays upto 1.5x the local rates. They pay around ₹16k/month which is decent for a labourer.


n3m37h t1_iv2ipre wrote



mr_sl33p t1_iv2sx5g wrote

Thank God you can sleep at night knowing your phone is made in a responsible Chinese factory since this issue is only an Apple issue. Or maybe you got yours made with good old ‘Merican labor which we all know is unblemished?


n3m37h t1_iv2ta9g wrote

Korean, I have a Samsung


mr_sl33p t1_iv2xizn wrote

Unless your phone is less than two years old there’s a good chance it was made in China. Otherwise it’s probably Vietnam or…wait for it…India. But I’m sure it’s the good part of India. Not that sucky part that Apple uses. 🙄


n3m37h t1_iv2xy9o wrote

Vietnam is actually where Samsung phones are made, most of them anyway. Samsung's manufacturing facility is located in Vietnam's Thai Nguyen province where two factories are churning out smartphones, tablets and wearable devices.Oct 3, 2022


FictitiousThreat t1_ivaceln wrote

I don’t know why this is being down voted. India is as corrupt as the mafia. You can do anything you want as long as you pay off the right government official. That’s why their environment is so screwed up – – they have regulations against pollution but they’re not enforced and differ from region to region. What sense does that make, when we all have to share the same water and air?