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[deleted] t1_ivu9obs wrote

MSRP for GPUs is basically just for the FE and maybe a few low end AIBs. It's always been this way where if you buy a nicer AIB model the prices increase from the base MSRP.


noeagle77 t1_ivueayh wrote

Still new to the pc scene, what does aib and fe mean? Sorry if dumb question still trying to learn


Tzukkeli t1_ivuf2xe wrote

FE = Founders edition = Cards made by their designer (Nvidia/AMD/Intel)

AIB = Add in board partner = Cards made by everyone else than their designer (Nvidia/AMD/Intel)


noeagle77 t1_ivuygv0 wrote

Ah okay thank you so much!! I have seen those both a bunch and am always afraid to ask! Much appreciated!


indrada90 t1_ivw222i wrote

FE is typically only used to refer to Nvidia cards afaik


RaiShado t1_ivw4cbo wrote

Yes, that is correct. AMD doesn't have a special name for it and Intel calls them Limited Edition.


noeagle77 t1_ivw5yp8 wrote

So is it safe to assume the FE type cards are better/safer purchases since it’s directly from the designer? Or is that not a good thought process?


hakkai999 t1_ivw68u6 wrote

Not exactly no. Think of it like a stock car while the AIB's (sadly slowly not anymore) are tweaked "racing" models. EVGA was the prime example of this where they would tweak their cards faster than stock.

The stock car is fine and probably cheaper but that racing model will be faster and have things like NOS and bucket seats.

Also the company that covers your warranty for AIBs are those companies and not NVidia. The direct car example would be if your dealership would repair your car for you as per warranty instead of the factory it came from.


noeagle77 t1_ivw7tf0 wrote

Wow this was an incredible explanation thank you very much! I’m so glad you guys here are so patient and welcoming to me with my noob questions!!


PapaBePreachin t1_ivuhpqs wrote

>MSRP for GPUs is basically just for the FE and maybe a few low end AIBs. It's always been this way where if you buy a nicer AIB model the prices increase from the base MSRP.

Yeah except this time any performance gained from AIBs are neglible as the FE SKUs are already tuned near peak performance. I welcome anyone to justify buying the Asus ROG Strix 4090 (and likely 4080) versus the others. This was EVGA's chief complaint - Nvidia is treating the AIBs like a nuisance [to be crushed] rather than partners


kurizma t1_ivuq1pz wrote

Going to miss evga. The only AIB card I would buy. Customer service and warranty was amazing.


[deleted] t1_ivvanig wrote

Wouldn't be surprised to see them return in the future if market conditions change, maybe as a partner for AMD or Intel even though they kind of denied that option when they were asked about it a couple months ago.


TDYDave2 t1_ivx3dn5 wrote

Sort of like every time a long-time marriage/relationship breaks up.
Always takes a while before one is willing to get back "dating" again.


aminy23 t1_ivy9235 wrote

> I welcome anyone to justify buying the Asus ROG Strix 4090 (and likely 4080) versus the others.



gbeezy007 t1_ivuu9sb wrote

Top end AIB cards never made any sense performance to price. The base versions and FE always were way better if you cared about the value.

Most of the extras don't really make the card any where near faster % wise for the % increase. Lower temps , better looking, form factor type stuff is nice but meh.


KansaiKanpai t1_ivvikzx wrote

I always thought that FE cards were for some reason way more expensive than others.


WordBoxLLC t1_ivvrr97 wrote

FE is a newer thing so I don't know what always could mean short of a couple years. Nvidia cards always sucked in comparison up until lately


gbeezy007 t1_ivw6l7p wrote

I did say base cards first and FE. And FE cards have been around longer then everyone's acting almost 10 years ago they sold a 780 FE. They started pushing them harder over the last 3 gens / 6 years.


[deleted] t1_ivvaht7 wrote

Yeah the only point of going for AIBs now seems to be for lower fan noise, cooling, and look/build quality if you care about that but even then the FE models have caught up in those departments. Personally probably gonna try and get a 4080 FE next year when prices on it inevitably drop once RTX 30 supply clears.

4090 FE has been getting great reviews so far from tech outlets and I expect it will be the same for the 4080 FE. Nvidia has really stepped up the design quality of their FE cards in recent years. It does suck that it seems like they're disregarding their AIB partners at this point but for consumers its nice to have a good quality FE option at MSRP.


[deleted] t1_ivw2kkq wrote

>It's always been this way where if you buy a nicer AIB model the prices increase from the base MSRP.

Don’t pretend it was always like this lol used to be 70-100 markup maybe a little more. Did you read the article? They’re talking 400 fucking dollars above FE prices it has certainly not “always been that way”


ErGo404 t1_ivyefbx wrote

Not so long ago 400$ got you a brand new 1080 GTX.


Sleepwalker710 t1_ivxhfga wrote

The change in price has never been this high though. Been buying cards since The 9800 pro from ati and Nvidia 6800(doom 3) . Most aib cards maxed out at 10-15% more (330-350 vs 300 at the time) and that was only if they touted better cooling AND overclocked. This is close to a 30% increase.


Double-Minimum-9048 t1_ivur8cl wrote

No it hasnt, AIBs used to complain on there razer thin margins on cards like the premium 1660Tis when NVDA cared about MSRP, They can restrict supply to AIBs which is basically a death sentenece but NVDA doesnt care anymore, thats why AMD cards are below MSRP for AIBs because they care.
