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thedirtygame t1_j3r5k23 wrote

Is the PS5 even any good? Seems like it's a slightly improved PS4+ at the end of the day, but I could just be ignorant about the tech that's all under the hood


Cumupin420 t1_j3rktfj wrote

Yes you're ignorant


thedirtygame t1_j3rl2lt wrote

Hmmm Kay

Are we still doing console fanboyism? That's so 90s/00s


Cumupin420 t1_j43lq7p wrote

No your statement is just factually incorrect. now that you made this statement I think you're stupid for ignoring facts


thedirtygame t1_j43nsja wrote

I mean I don't feel stupid at all considering I prefaced my curiosity in my original comment pretty explicitly, but it's all good, I hope your butt is ok from all that hurting


Cumupin420 t1_j4lcub2 wrote

That's the thing about being stupid. You don't know because you're... well stupid

Making factually incorrect statements is not posing a curiosity question


thedirtygame t1_j4ldwx8 wrote

Stay mad... Over a console


Cumupin420 t1_j4lfnd5 wrote

Not mad at all, maybe if you weren't so dumb you would see I'm fucking with you🤣🤣🤣

You called me a fanboy for telling you your wrong, if anything your the mad one.