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Drone314 t1_j42vlws wrote


Oh man, those were the days. 2 best days ever, the day I brought home a 3DFX graphics card and the day I got cable internet. Ping's and frames so good they kicked you thinking you were a cheater.


Rain1dog t1_j42wgp7 wrote

Ha! The day I got the 3DFX and saw Quake II IN 3D blew my mind. How the world was in actual 3D. Seeing that effect for the first few times was so satisfying.

I still remember the first day we got Cox cable instead of Compuserve because I had been trying to download the trailer for Castlevania 64 from Ign64. I was floored the 30mb clip took 27 seconds instead of hours.

Then walking past my Dad’s office around 2am seeing SETI running on the Gateway p3 makes me nostalgic. Hearing the cpu make its noise, seeing the lights flicker off the walls from the modem…

Such great times!


poostew t1_j44x5o2 wrote

Yeah, absolutely mind blowing to be able to click on a link and it just loaded instead of taking minutes. It was like switching to a SSD for the first time but 1000x more insane. The world at my fingertips INSTANTLY.

Mario 64 was my biggest mind blowing experience graphically. Grand Theft Auto in 3D was a generational leap as well that I haven't really experienced since.