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cap_kaknuckles t1_ja6z940 wrote

Any sort of survival meters( hunger,thirst,too cold,etcc...) i hate when i play a game and ive been playing for hours only to lose my progress because i got too cold or i couldnt find any food in time. If i wanted to worry about being hungry or too hot id just turn the game off and experience real life.


pseudopad t1_ja6zjmi wrote

Whether or not the game respect my time.

By that I mean, does the game allow me to save at reasonable intervals? Will I have to redo a multi hour segment because of unlucky RNG? Does it have lots of tedium that's ultimately just meaningless fluff that neither moves the story forwards, nor help build the world's lore, etc.?

The older I get, the less patience for BS I have.


capsuleofparrots t1_ja6zsi4 wrote

Controls if it plays like a foot I'm not playing it


brian11e3 t1_ja7hnu6 wrote

If it handles like a brick in shit, I have problems getting into it.


Nomadic_View t1_ja7hnk1 wrote

This is extremely niche, but botw’s weapon durability system alone made me hate that game. It seems like a really cool game otherwise, but I absolutely fucking hated my weapons breaking constantly during fights.


Schulle2105 t1_ja7023z wrote

Overly long intros,I can live with a tutorial phase but if you take the game out of my hand every 10 minutes to introduce me to the World for an hour or two then I just get bored and return it to steam


Nomadic_View t1_ja7h245 wrote


I was pretty excited to play monster Hunter when I saw it coming to gamepass. Then for like two hours the game constantly kept throwing up walls of text to explain mechanics of the game. Then I just said “fuck this. Im out.” I uninstalled it and never touched it again.


mylatehours t1_ja7a6g7 wrote

For this game called Naraka Bladepoint.

I quit the game because i kept getting put in matches that had asian players on USA servers so they would only kill me because aĺl my attacks wouldnt register, and they're lagging, so they took no damage but i would.


bobijsvarenais t1_ja71sqs wrote

Huge sparks and hit point indicators.


S4ntos19 t1_ja72f1r wrote

On console, it's how the controls feel


theBloodsoaked t1_ja79ayv wrote

If an FPS doesn't have headshots, I switch off or look for a mod


Simba121991 t1_ja7zlgt wrote

Genuine question as I’ve not played an FPS in years. Do they really release FPS games without a headshots now?


theBloodsoaked t1_ja91apt wrote

Last game I played that I can remember was Cyberpunk, I know it's an RPG but it annoyed me from the beginning that I couldn't one shot headshot kill someone, so I got a mod lol


sikeleaveamessage t1_ja7n136 wrote

If the voice acting is god awful. Not like just one character but multiple and most of the game, then I won't play it.

It's one of the reasons I couldnt get into Life is Strange.


Never1Ver t1_jab5gzh wrote

Recently, modding capabilities. I love modding games. Soon I might even start making them.