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Alltwek t1_jab7v6h wrote

>I heard these games we’re getting a lot of hype and anticipation

Were they? I knew these games were going to be moderate disappointments at best from the start. Did nobody else see this coming?

The reason so many games suck nowadays is the same reason movies suck nowadays. They've been corporatized. Studios would rather make a disappointing safe game that makes at least some sort of profit than a riskier game that might be Game of the Year material but is risky and uncertain.

People want to blame capitalism but the real culprit is idiots buying these games before watching reviews or thinking 2 seconds about how lackluster these games are inevitably going to end up being.

They put these games out because they can, and people will pay for them, for whatever reason.


thewalkindude t1_jaba1yb wrote

I think The Calisto Protocol was getting a fair amount of hype. And Forespoken is a different case, in that I don't think it was technically buggy or anything, it just wasn't appealing. All of these games are new IP, which I think is actually relatively risky, as opposed to a safer sequel. Calisto is easily the safest of the 3, because it is so very Dead Space. But these games do continue a trend that has been happening the past couple of years where the larger games are much more disappointing than the smaller ones. Looking at the release period of these games, I can name 5 less big games that I've loved, 2 of which are by Square Enix, the maker of Forspoken.


WhoseverSlinky0 t1_jabb5st wrote

Exactly that. I wish it was easy to just boycott some games, but it's literally impossible in this big world where nobody agrees with nobody. You can make the most boring and uninspired, racist and misogynistic product of all time, made by a company that support and hires neo-nazis and someone or some group will still end up buying it. The reason might stay unknown, but it can be nostalgia, copium, hope, advertising, etc.

Unfortunately pokemon scarlet and violet enjoyers exist and even if this game is steaming hot garbage, they'll buy it, for whatever reason they believe it's worth their money and time


JetGi t1_jabjixg wrote

probably because the average user is like 9 with no opinions just likes pokemon