
thewalkindude t1_jaba1yb wrote

I think The Calisto Protocol was getting a fair amount of hype. And Forespoken is a different case, in that I don't think it was technically buggy or anything, it just wasn't appealing. All of these games are new IP, which I think is actually relatively risky, as opposed to a safer sequel. Calisto is easily the safest of the 3, because it is so very Dead Space. But these games do continue a trend that has been happening the past couple of years where the larger games are much more disappointing than the smaller ones. Looking at the release period of these games, I can name 5 less big games that I've loved, 2 of which are by Square Enix, the maker of Forspoken.


thewalkindude t1_iujjf5x wrote

I'm mostly talking hypothetical, that there probably will be games out that are worth 70. I think most of the ones that are 70 right now are rip-offs, and are ridden with microtransactions like you said. I'm not as against DLC as a lot of people on here, because I think a lot of it is quite good. I'm definitely against things like 20 dollar skins though.


thewalkindude t1_iujenp6 wrote

If a game isn't worth 70 dollars to you, no one is making you buy it at 70 dollars. The new CoD isn't worth 70 to me, so I'm not buying it. And why shouldn't free to play games like Destiny 2 charge you for major expansions? They have to make money somehow.


thewalkindude t1_iugkibm wrote

Games are getting more expensive to develop. That's what it comes down to. Games have been 60 dollars for 15 years now, while the budgets of AAA games keep increasing. Also, nobody is forcing you to buy these yearly games at 70 dollars right on release. They go on sale for pretty good discounts frequently.


thewalkindude t1_iufh5h1 wrote

No matter how hard developers may try, multi-player launches will always be terrible, because there will always be hundreds of thousands of people crowding limited servers. That's why you shouldn't necessarily get games like CoD on day one. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by sweaty players, do you mean players who are so much better than everyone else, or who get upset if you aren't perfect? People like that are a good portion of the reason I don't play PVP multi-player, so I hear you there.


thewalkindude t1_iuesj13 wrote

I'm sure there are many legitimate reasons to dislike MW2, but am I to understand you hit max level in the multi-player in about 2 days? You must be in an extreme minority of players who voracious consume whatever is given to you at an absurd rate. Activision shouldn't cater to you, because you are a small minority, and I don't know if you could ever be happy.


thewalkindude t1_iuerna0 wrote

It seems modern games require more and more time, and, as my life in the real world progresses, I have less and less. Last year, I was unemployed, so I had plenty of time to commit to games. Now I have a full time job, and I'm going to graduate school in January, so that will take even more time, and I don't know how much time I'll have when I get a professional job either.