Submitted by t3_125g7a1 in gaming

Some of my favorite games of all time are Half Life (all the games), Starcraft (both games, but moreso SC1/Brood War), and Beyond Good And Evil. I list these specifically because they are linear story based games that involve other sentient species as main/supporting cast. I do enjoy sci-fi in general (the aforementioned games, Firefly, Dune, Star Wars, Titanfall, etc). However I'm not really a fan of when things get to be too this I mean when stuff all looks extremely stereotypical sci fi with either everything super smooth or super angular, chrome everywhere, etc. I like a bit a grit still (ie Firefly, Starcraft, or Half Life). A strong and colorful cast is important to me as well. If I don't find the characters interesting, I'll drop the game pretty quickly.

Some things I don't really love are LONG game (to me a long game is like 15+ hours, I know, my definition is on the shorter side), games with a lot of filler/fluff content*, open world games, and games that don't have a particularly interesting narrative (I know an "interesting" narrative is subjective, but try to work with me with this definition). I also really dislike grinding in games to meet some arbitrary stat threshold in order to beat X enemy/boss/section.

When I say I don't enjoy filler/fluff content, I don't mean strictly sidequesting. I'm fine with sidequesting if it is meaningful in a story/narrative way. I just hate random fetch quests, escort quests, etc.

Kinda thinking about trying Mass Effect and I've heard so many good things about the franchise, but I'm not really sure. Any insight? If it matters, I would likely be playing on PC.

Btw, I know my tastes are kind of...particular. Sorry if they are too vague or just outright strange. I appreciate anyone who takes the time to help!



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t1_je42y1n wrote

>Some things I don't really love are LONG game (to me a long game is like 15+ hours

Might not be for you, but otherwise I'd say it's almost perfect fit for you


t1_je430fi wrote

Except for maybe being "too sci-fi" Mass Effect sounds great for you. Great story, good cast of characters and next to no grind. Interesting side quests are also provided. If I were you, I would give it a try.


t1_je43dd2 wrote

Based on your may just want to watch Mass Effect 1 game play that focuses on just the story. ME2 and 3 smooth have better mechanics with both combat and exploring.

Narrative???!!!! IMO (ME is my favorite video game franchise) the story and choices and character development is on par with any high production TV show. They nailed the narative.

Asthetic sounds like it should be up your ally! Plenty of slick designs but nothing not totally unbelievable. The Normandy for example, it is a gorgeous spaceship but has plenty of realistic features.

I'd say you would enjoy playing them. Just be mindful of the slow pace of ME1


t1_je43s78 wrote

Mass Effect may be a good fit, actually! I'd say that the snag might be the length, but if you focus purely on the story the game might be only slightly above your threshold. If you decide to do the side quests then you're looking at a game maybe 4 times larger.

I'd say give it a go, but if you become snagged on a part have another, shorter story game on thr go to take a break from it. Splitting it up may be a decent way of going about it, if that becomes the case.


t1_je45ati wrote

I've been told to try out the legendary edition

Once I get home this weekend ilk find it and I'll download it


t1_je4mrva wrote

You definitely should play it.

Mass Effect 1 isn't most people's favorite, but I think its mine.... though ME2 is extremely good too.

THere are A LOT of great characters with interesting stories.... so don't worry about that. The problem will be which character do you take with you because there are too many that you'll love and you can only take 2 at a time. I played through the 1st game 7 times.

They aren't perfect games... but damn they are good.

PS. Starcraft is also one of my favorites as well.