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2steppa156 t1_jck1sjr wrote

I’d play the 1 and 2 remasters then 4. Or just watch a catch up video on YouTube. 4 was a total shift in tone and gameplay for the franchise. It’s a masterpiece imo


BirdjaminFranklin t1_jcl5x3k wrote

RE1, RE2, RE3, RE0 and Code Veronica all play entirely differently than anything that came after. Having grown up with the games, I prefer the top down view and slower pace of the earlier games.

RE4, RE5, and RE6 are over the shoulder and much more action oriented.

RE7 and RE8 are first person and also fairly action oriented.

All of the games are loosely connected with some characters reappearing across several games.

That said, the story is B-movie horror and has become a total clusterfuck of a mess that's almost impossible to follow anyway.


Manjorno316 t1_jckdexy wrote

>4 was a total shift in tone and gameplay for the franchise. It’s a masterpiece imo

It's worth mentioning that at least the original RE4 is pretty hitt or miss. It's by no means a bad game at all but it's my least favorite RE game because it's too action heavy without a single scary part throughout the entire game. But it seems like the remake will actually add the horror part to action horror this time.