Submitted by 69macncheese69 t3_127ocr5 in gaming

For those who like character interactions in story driven RPG's, wouldn't that be amazing? Instead of predetermined conversations and 3-4 dialogue choices, we could get full blown original one on one conversations, or even start a conversation between our AI party members that then carries itself. Thoughts?



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Lithuim t1_jef37ab wrote

I’ve heard some discussions about using AI for enemy chatter.

Main character chatter would have to be a little more scripted to keep it on task, but it doesn’t really matter what Stormtroopers are bantering about.


cosmoboy t1_jef3gd0 wrote

I'm all for it. Is love for an NPC to act accordingly when I've been pestering him for 20 minutes trying to sell him cheese wheels and rusty daggers.


Portgas t1_jef71hk wrote

Already a thing as a bannerlord mod. I'm sure a few studios are already working on something with ai fully integrated


Ebolatastic t1_jefcdqh wrote

Yah anime games are probably on that shit immediately. The idea of having an AI turn one sentence of dialog into 5 pages of bloat has to have all those publishers thrilled. They don't have to pay people to do it anymore. It's like a foundational principle of modern JRPGs and MMOs to just drone on and on. I remember playing Xenoblade Chronicles last year and there was 35 sentence dialog exchange about going down a hallway. Octopath Traveler 2 had one story sequence that was 17 cutscenes long. Don't even get me started on how Persona can have full blown 10 minute conversations that just reiterate something already discussed.


rincematic t1_jefim9x wrote

Dunno, actual AI can be trusted to be a good storyteller?


rincematic t1_jefnw1e wrote


Maybe Todd will make use of it with the radiant quests in the future Elder Scrolls 6.

It's enough far into the future to the tech to be fine tuned and all. (But hopefully not that far into the future to be enslaved by our new AI overlords!)


EarlGrey_Picard t1_jefoz1i wrote

If Peter Molyneux ever wants Project Ego to actually exist, he should be working on this right now.


Lemmingitus t1_jefqr4z wrote

For a smaller scale project, it'd be neat if someone remade a game like Facade with more modern tech.


DefinitelyNotThatOne t1_jefw5mo wrote

Once the AI is sophisticated enough, and can be paired with AI graphics generation, video games for the most part will cease to exist as we know them. You will be able to literally play any type of game you want.


ISAV_WaffleMasta t1_jefxeaq wrote

I hope they learn from a blizzard general chat and cod vc lobbies


straxusii t1_jeg88ev wrote

Given the speed of advancement from gpt3 to gpt4 it's entirely possible now for a game to use AI dialog and it will be at a very high standard.


XPisthebest t1_jeghes8 wrote

I want this in a team based stealth game. I'll be the leader and tell everyone to go to this and that position around a map and what to do at what time. Straight up team takedown all enemy in the vicinity with just one move.