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t1_jds3nt1 wrote

Hell yea. I recommended the same thing for my buddy and his kid a while back while he and I were playing D3.


t1_jdsbhav wrote

I was just playing this co-op with my grandson this morning. Such a great game. I love the fact it supports guest sign in on Xbox. Amazing how far ARPG have come over the years.


t1_jdsh85a wrote

what is guest sign in?


t1_jdspss3 wrote

You don’t need a separate account for games that would usually need a sign in for coop.

A lot of big games nowadays need two accounts that own the game for coop, it’s stupid considering if it’s on one machine it should just work like it always has


t1_jdtjy9e wrote

“A lot of big games” … like what? I’ve never run into this (while playing locally)


t1_jdsbpod wrote

i’m playing regular Minecraft with my 6 year old. Would Dungeons be a good game for branching out into different genres, or is it a bit early?


t1_jdsfzi0 wrote

My 6 year old and I beat tower mode the other day and had a ball. It allows them to make simplistic decisions in terms of items. He was reading all descriptions and made some clever decisions on his build. Definitely wish I could get him into d4 but it’s not age appropriate


t1_jdsgyep wrote

His reading is a bit weak yet, and English isn’t his first language, so if that’s required I guess it might be a bit early.
The hunt continues..


t1_jdsigq1 wrote

If you guys haven’t yet, plants vs zombies battle for neighborville was an awesome age appropriate shooter couch co op game. We really enjoyed it


t1_jdxrjpc wrote

It's a shame EA pulled the plug on it just a year after launch. It's a very fun game.

That makes me wonder what on earth PopCap are doing right now. They can't just be doing mobile games.


t1_jdtnv7s wrote

It's not required, mine just picks what he thinks looks cool or that he knows works well. It's an awesome diablo-lite and the kid would love it with you as a partner


t1_jdvze3z wrote

You can use it as a great opportunity to help with his English reading skills! Just read everything on the screen out loud while occasionally testing him to see how much of a line he was able to read


t1_jdw0gc5 wrote

Good idea, but he’s really not there yet. Gotta learn how to actually read first, adding another language into the mix is a bit early and will likely be confusing.


t1_jdw4hdr wrote

Mario games would be good, a lot of them don't require heavy reading and provide a lot of visual instruction. Also, because the character is so popular there's a ton of genres to branch out to while still keeping the same familiar characters. Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, Mario Party etc. There's even Mario Baseball/Tennis/Soccer and more if you wanna get them into sports


t1_jdw5g9p wrote

He used to play a lot of mario kart, and some other mario games as well.
But I’m trying to turn him into a PC gamer ;)


t1_jdw1c39 wrote

There's an accessibility option to read everything on screen.


t1_jdw20jk wrote

Still in English, so wouldn’t help much. I guess I can translate for him.


t1_jdytrxj wrote

If you are looking for games to play woth your kid id recommend Lego Marvel Super Heroes.


t1_jdz7ofr wrote

What is his native language? Dungeons has quite a few supported languages.


t1_jdz87si wrote

Norwegian. Switched Minecraft to it already, but he’s mainly just recognizing the icons.


t1_jdw0h8j wrote

Is it because the adults/parents of nowadays are more conscious about what video games are and how they function, or were the past years so wild that something being age appropiate wasn't even in consideration. I remember playing D2 at a "gaming cafe" at 6 and nobody batting an eye about it (other adults, I mean, as my parents wouldn't have a clue what I was playing)


t1_jduzvge wrote

D3 should be a decent substitute if he's looking for more to hold until he's old enough for D4.


t1_jdsxn6g wrote

I play it practically daily with my 6 year old and he adores it. Picture recognition for the weapons and armor go a long way. Mine can't read everything yet, but he sees the pictures and knows what it is from when I've told him. Plus there's a green arrow up for gear increases, and red down for non upgrades. I think they could get by just fine. Also, it's fun enough to where I stay up and play solo at night sometimes after he goes to bed and have reached Apocalypse + mode 😅


t1_jdsxuo1 wrote

Sounds good. I’ll have to look into getting a session going next weekend.


t1_jdsg13w wrote

A bit early in terms of his age? I doubt it. If he loves minecraft, he’ll likely like any game minecraft. just explain to him this isn’t the “building” kind of minecraft. It’s fairly simple and straight forward at the start so he should get it quick


t1_jdug8rz wrote

My twin 5 boys play it with me watching them off and on.

Reading isn’t really required, but I’ll explain the choices, options, styles and such which omits most of the academic difficulty.

It’s a very easy game to grasp.


t1_jduii1a wrote

Roblox is a huge platform with lots of game options. You may enjoy some over others, and they are all free with optional purchases.

My kids love Roblox, and there are quite a few games that I enjoy as well. Not as much as my standard games, but enough to sit through and play for an hour or two here and there.


t1_jds1hx7 wrote

Reminds me of the time my dad and i played gran turismo on the ps1 after i asked him what a porche was when i was little


t1_jdtofud wrote

"Why don't you have a Porsche, daddy?"

That was the last time we played Gran Turismo


t1_jdsa373 wrote

I'm glad you got your kid to play a game you both enjoy. That's something special.

My younger brother absolutely loves Minecraft, but he dislikes this game. I wish I could've gotten him into the genre so we could play together, but oh well.


t1_jdsm6yz wrote

Maybe try playing Diablo with him.

I know when I was younger, I really enjoyed playing Gauntlet. It's more light-hearted than Diablo, and simpler, but still GREAT fun.


t1_jdt4n8z wrote

It’s on Gamepass if you’re Xbox and PC and it’s being given for free on PlayStation Plus this month!


OP t1_jdt5tjp wrote

Yep! Have it on my ps5 but I’m playing it on gamepass pc, kiddo has gamepass on his series s


t1_jdth5ry wrote

I just used the DLC levels as prizes to potty train my oldest son (5), best money I’ve ever spent


t1_jdsuooa wrote

....welp I greatly appreciate the tip for a great game for a 4yo to play. she loves Minecraft


t1_jdtmd1z wrote

He's going to remember playing this game (or any games in general) with you for likely the rest of his life. Have fun, make those memories.


t1_jdsowd8 wrote

I still remember playing Diablo 3 with my dad, I has an arcanist and he a barbarian.

We finished the game like, 3 times lol


t1_jdtismf wrote

Awesome! I had great times playing Halo 3 pvp split screen with my son when he was a youngling. You will remember this fondly.


t1_jdtnk1x wrote

I was honestly blown away at how good MC Dungeons was. Looking forward to Legends too.


t1_jdtoblj wrote

Minecraft dungeons is such a fun game!

I love to play with my 8 & 10 year olds!

I only have it on my old Xbox though. Is it cross platform?


t1_jdtvlag wrote

I think this is a great idea! And, it is a fun game!


t1_jdu5m91 wrote

My 5 year old daughter and I play this daily. Super fun game!


t1_jdu6o69 wrote

Dude, minecraft dungeons is so cool, started it because i got it free on ps+ and i was surprised.


t1_jdug4ix wrote

My twin boys who are 5 just started heavily getting into the game. Really gaming in general. Never heard of this game before, but it looked up their alley.

A lot of “don’t hurt my brother!” “I gotchu bro” “I’m dead! Why aren’t you saving me!”

It’s a blast living it through them. I gotta do most of the min/maxing, but most of the time instead proficiency, they’d rather have the flashy abilities even if borderline useless.


t1_jdshh9t wrote

Oh yeah. I played that game for almost a year with my daughter. We stopped when we were lvl 75. I liked the base game but the extension were a little bit weird. No clear path to follow unlike the first quest.


t1_jdt5q8j wrote

Try cat quest 2. Great fun with the little one


t1_jdtjgmz wrote

I had great fun playing that game until I realized it was a numbers game after you beat it. Just getting the same weapons and whatnot with slightly better stats.


t1_jdtn3de wrote

That's basically Diablo...


t1_jdtqutz wrote

Yeah but with Diablo there is FAR more variety in the gear. MC Dungeons is much simpler. Which I guess is the point.


t1_jdtr8qs wrote

Minecraft Dungeons doesn’t have any blood horror though


t1_jdu2cvv wrote

At least you two are playing the better game together.


t1_jdu3sal wrote

I think I started playing d2 when I was 6/8 or something.... I loved it, turned out fine... I never even noticed the gore lmao perhaps I'm misremembering, but it was just a bunch of "Bible" parents freaking out cuz devil lmao. But each kid is different.

There was also stronghold crusader empire earth aoe... ps2 cod. ratchet and clank, jax and daxter, these two actually had monsters like the fish that scared me somehow lmao, so kids will be kids. ps1 and gamecube metroid and others I can't remember... oh, and some kind of he man cereal game or something that had skeletor and cannons shooting castles or something.

Now... gta vice City and San Andreas on the other hand... I was an odd kid to understand and be unphased by the mature themes. No one my age should have been playing thse, but I was an odd one being "babysat" by but more like hanging out with parents' late teen/ya siblings and friends.

Kids these days have so many more quality age apropiate options, though, that's for sure.


t1_jdu6cxw wrote

I hate that the game ends up hitting such a brick wall, or at least it did.

Me and my fiancé played it a ton but once we got to Nightmare +11 difficulty (or whatever it was called) it just became unplayable unless we unequipped gear to get easier levels.


t1_jduke45 wrote

My 5 year old also saw me playing diablo 4, I just let him play my account, he played every class except rogue, he liked Necro the most


t1_jduz7ym wrote

Minecraft Dungeons is really cool!


t1_jdv7fln wrote

New dad here.

By the comments it seems is normal to have 6-8 year old kids to play video games, but slll studies says screen time should be minimal until 10-12

Also newest studies says that digital learning did not improve in any age group and it caused the opposite effect (learning difficulties compared with no-digital) I was surprised by this conclusions person I expected to have better outcome.

So my question is, how do you deal with screen time?

Do you have a fixed time per day? Or maybe it is only in weekends?

Thanks in advance!


OP t1_jdvcb0j wrote

As a seasoned dad, don’t get too wrapped up in studies. There’s no right way to do it - I drove myself nuts. Just don’t use screens as babysitters and you’re already ahead of the game. Also, grats!

My kids earn screen time through chores, good grades, and being kind - but we do limit it per day though with how busy we are it’s mainly weekends where we enjoy it. An hour or so is all they have time for during the week most days. After chores and homework are done, weekends are a free for all but they don’t just sit on games or anything the whole time, they’re pretty active kids that like being outside and love books. That’s not to say we don’t have the occasional ‘blanket fort livingroom gaming day’ now and again. Screen time usually isn’t an issue in our house, I think because we didn’t treat it like that bad thing that they couldn’t have too much of - so they didn’t go crazy with it.

Just about finding balance. Both my kids have iPads and switches, my son has his series s, and we have a ton of shared consoles. I have all my retro and current consoles/gaming pc. They watch YouTube(kids) and a few channels like unspeakable or other Minecraft gamers. microsoft (xbox) has pretty awesome parental controls/monitoring as well.

I will say though, digital learning is a nightmare. And now that the public schools have that option (after lockdown) snow days aren’t snow days anymore which kinda sucks. So I pull my kids ‘out of school’ on those days so they can have some fun!


t1_jdvfkrl wrote

Can't wait for my kiddo to be old enough to game with.


t1_jdvlfyq wrote

My 5yo has been playing Minecraft for a while now and he realized there was another Minecraft game in the Game Pass list. Downloaded it for him and he’s loving it. I need to get another controller so we can co-op play.

Now I’m telling myself that I’m secretly building an interest for ARPGs and Diablo will be in his future, MUAHAHAH! Got a couple years though.


t1_jdvvjao wrote

Been playing it with my girls (9&6) and they seem to like it but tend to give up if it gets to hard. It is surprising how quickly they learn to get getter though. I just wish there were more levels not locked behind DLC.


t1_jdvyj6m wrote

Honestly coming from Diablo and Path of Exile, Minecraft Dungeons is brutal. Unless i'm missing something. I'm constantly getting hit with no way to block and can only refill health like every minute. Everytime I play with my kids we die on easy. My only option is to just go full bow and arrow and hit everything from distance. I'd play it way more if it wasn't so difficult.


t1_jdw3s4r wrote

I wish my son could get into MC: Dungeons. We played it for a bit but he tends to get bored of it pretty quickly. This weekend we played WWE2k22 and WWE2k23 for hours though lol. During loading screens he would jump on my shoulders and yank me down, good times


t1_jdwahvt wrote

Same here but with my wife back than, played together till the last dlc on the highest difficulty xD. Awesome Game


t1_jdwdocb wrote

i remember playing diablo 1 when I was 8, i turned out ok.

i think.


t1_je3kbsh wrote

Give him his big boy pants when Diablo 4 comes out, coop will be fun


t1_jdu9564 wrote

I find Minecraft dungeons are much more difficult than diablo 4, D4 is a walk in the park which made it really boring.


t1_jds6b7t wrote

How's D4? I'm afraid it's going to be Immortal all over again. Didn't care for the Open Beta because I doubt they'd show that side of it during the test. Strictly waiting weeks after launch.

Fool me once, Blizzard.


t1_jdthl4u wrote

It's good. Pacing is better... It feels dangerous again. Boss battles are lame though. Luckily the bosses are a very small part of the game.


t1_jdssxgg wrote

Am playing the open beta over the weekend and it's pretty good. I'm a jaded gamer who yearns for the old Blizzard days of warcraft 2 and 3, so I'd say it managed to pass a fairly high bar.
Mechanically it's a solid game, and story wise it feels fresh. Seems to be a decent amount of Innovation though it's always online in a MMO/SoulsBourne sort of way.


t1_jdthx3f wrote

Cool, thanks for the input. Will be very happy if it turns out great


t1_jdsjv93 wrote

I’ve played it a bit, tried out mage and rogue. I like the class diversity this time, the skill tree allows for multiple viable builds it feels, and the skills in general are pretty cool. I quite like the idea of it feeling more like an MMO in terms of running around and seeing other players and doing random world events together, where as with D3 it was just party up and that’s it.

But I’m still not 100% sure if I’ll buy it or not and have similar concerns as you with how immortal was handled


t1_jdsnt0r wrote

It’s really good. I’ve played since the original Diablo and really like where they went with it.


t1_jds9486 wrote

Same here. The only game I'm buying day 1 right now is the new Zelda.


t1_jdslq00 wrote

Dude, I wish I could get it. It comes out around my birthday, so honest to god, I'm going to pay part of the money for one of my friends to get it, and just play some of the game on their switch (or just pirate it, but I don't really pirate often).


t1_jdtbqka wrote

No shame in pirating, ive only been doing it 20+ years 😅


t1_jdscnpf wrote

If Diablo Immortal actually fooled you, you're the problem lmao.

99% they didn't even make it, just sold the diablo name.

Diablo 4 will be fine.


t1_jdsczog wrote

Lol alllllright buddy. Let's see who wins: doing the right thing for the heck of it, or assloads of money


t1_jdshwrs wrote

Sounds like you’re unfamiliar with the development of Immortal; it was essentially a glorified port of existing Chinese tech and assets from the mobile market. D4 is a completely different beast.


t1_jdtibsk wrote

I get that, but I hold companies accountable for licensing their IP out to garbage like that. Fine print says someone else developed it, but "Diablo" is in large letters on the cover. Therefore, it's Diablo. Companies usually know better than to fuck with their brand image so severely, but Blizzard has shown a deep disrespect for their consumers and even employees, so it's expected.


t1_jdu7pu6 wrote

Actually...I don't like that kinds of that age..why u must try another games...o why u try watching a good Disney or cartoons...I think! That's a good for ur child..


t1_jdu9eee wrote

did you have a stroke?


t1_jdueffz wrote

No, that's just what happens if you're not allowed to consume any content (movies, books, games) other than 'Disney or cartoons' until you are 18 years old and mature enough to deal with the dark, dark subject matter that is Minecraft Dungeons.


t1_jdu0ccx wrote

You should be reading books and playing catch with your child instead of melting his brain with video games.
