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t1_jecwih3 wrote

2 and 5 are by far my favorites but I wouldn't pay for that much.


t1_jedfb68 wrote

Damn right I've been watching 2 on eBay for years never pay what they want and now that they are remastering it no need


t1_jecxwol wrote

Oh, a mere 800? It will look good next to my... Ming vase.


t1_jed0uu0 wrote

Aren't they remastering 1 & 2?


t1_jecwyf2 wrote

I have 3, 4 and 5, you're telling me they go for that much?


t1_jedfh83 wrote

No that's just someone trying there luck I can buy 5 for £30 .I've never seen 2 cheap tho always atleast £200


t1_jedyzig wrote

Amazon ones are usually overpriced compared to ebay.

$800 is wish upon a star territory unless it was signed by all the development staff and in the original shrink wrap.


t1_jee61w5 wrote

Yeah strongly agree with that a two second search and I found it much cheaper


t1_jegc47a wrote

5 is about $120 complete with box and manual.

3 and 4 are roughly $30 each.


t1_jed2ua1 wrote

800USD to live on an island for the rest of my life? Sign me up!


t1_jeddff6 wrote

I didnt like 4 very much.. But definitely looking forward to the 1+2 remakes!


t1_jedn94v wrote

Never buy old games from Amazon unless you want ripped off. If you want decent priced, older games, go to Lukie Games( I’ve bought from them several times and they’ve always been fantastic. Right now Suikoden 5 is selling for $164.47.


t1_jecyg8d wrote

Currently doing a play through on my phone. I think I'll hold onto my $800 for now.


t1_jedfmxn wrote

Does it come with one month payed rent?


t1_jedmje6 wrote

In europe/germany you're paying 30 bucks at MAX for it, lol.

However, Suikoden 5 peak fiction


t1_jedpxde wrote

I wish there was a way to report such egregious pricing.

Theres 4 currently on ebay listed for less than $30, the rest are averaging $100-200.


t1_jee1g8x wrote

Same with eBay there are idiots on there trying to sell pre orders of the upcoming 1&2 remaster for £250 somehow expecting the price of the ps1 versions to be remastered along with the games.


t1_jedyarj wrote

1 and 2 are being re-released soon. If they do well I bet the others will be as well.


t1_jee3w1e wrote

I’ve been trying to get Zelda TP for Game Cube, and where I live, the game goes all the way to like 300usd. It’s frustrating. Even more when the Wii version sells for like 10usd. :(


t1_jeeaa28 wrote

How many Beanie Babies would that get you?


t1_jeef128 wrote

1 and 2 are getting a Remaster very soon.


t1_jeehqqa wrote

Yikes. Glad I still got my copy at least.


t1_jeeo94g wrote

Gotta admire the seller's greed. Some sucker might bite at that price.


t1_jeevifk wrote

Isn't Amazon kind of a scammy place to buy old games? You can get Suikoden V on Ebay for $150.


t1_jef2vyh wrote

Hm, I have the first one. Wonder what its worth.