underprivlidged t1_jed5q44 wrote
Reply to comment by VicRambo in This braille Hotwheel by SovietImposter
Too short to be Hot Wheels.
I think it is 3 or 4 letters long, but I'm no expert.
underprivlidged t1_jed24hu wrote
Reply to This braille Hotwheel by SovietImposter
Wonder what it says.
Also, since it's tied to the NFotB, I'd hope they donate sime money per purchase. I'd snag one either way.
underprivlidged t1_jecyg8d wrote
Reply to I love Suikoden and all but.... by Spudcommando
Currently doing a play through on my phone. I think I'll hold onto my $800 for now.
underprivlidged t1_ja8oq0u wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is anybody working on an alternative to Minecraft which has the same amount of freedom as Skyrim when it comes to mod content? by [deleted]
There is none.
Either play Minecraft on private servers, which literally does exactly what you want. Or play Fallout/Elder Scrolls by yourself.
underprivlidged t1_ja8of5x wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is anybody working on an alternative to Minecraft which has the same amount of freedom as Skyrim when it comes to mod content? by [deleted]
They could. But this is Microsoft we are talking about. Not gonna happen.
You want to play - you play by their rules. It's unfortunately that simple.
underprivlidged t1_ja8o4c9 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is anybody working on an alternative to Minecraft which has the same amount of freedom as Skyrim when it comes to mod content? by [deleted]
"Where is the line drawn"? Where ever Microsoft/Mojang wants. They own the IP.
So, once again, don't use inappropriate mods in public servers.
Bethesda hosts mods for consoles for Skyrim and Fallout 4. Neither allow things they deem inappropriate. Treat a public server the exact same way.
Know why? Because public servers are PUBLIC. They don't want a kid hopping onto their children's game and seeing anime tiddies brewing beer inside a horse's nutsack.
underprivlidged t1_ja8nhr6 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Is anybody working on an alternative to Minecraft which has the same amount of freedom as Skyrim when it comes to mod content? by [deleted]
Dude. Mods aren't sever dependant. You can play them all locally or with friends. If you're playing with something deemed inappropriate, taking it to a public online server is obviously a stupid idea.
underprivlidged t1_ja8n17f wrote
Reply to Is anybody working on an alternative to Minecraft which has the same amount of freedom as Skyrim when it comes to mod content? by [deleted]
Except Mojang can't stop mods from being made. At all.
Just use whatever mods you like. Boom. Done. Mission accomplished.
underprivlidged t1_j6p6wok wrote
Fallout 4 is a first person shooter, btw...
Get it on PC you can play it with mods. The way it's meant to be played lol
underprivlidged t1_j6ipgwv wrote
Reply to comment by TorrenceMightingale in The only way I could get my AirPods to not fall out of my ears was to make custom tips by PawnWithoutPurpose
The "wrong" was in regards to the Amazon statement. 5 star reviews does not conflagrate with actual quality, hence my response to it. You are free to have an opinion, as is everyone. I personally love things that aren't high quality. The issue is liking something is subjective. Quality is objective. I make a point not to confuse the two.
My tone is in direct response to what was said to me. If someone wants to "call me out" on my area of expertise, I will gladly turn on my "I know my shit" mode to relay that information. The tone argument goes both ways.
underprivlidged t1_j6injet wrote
Reply to comment by TorrenceMightingale in The only way I could get my AirPods to not fall out of my ears was to make custom tips by PawnWithoutPurpose
As stated in another comment, I do prefer my in-ear monitors and my over the ear Sennheisers. This isn't about comparing my $500 headset here - AirPods were the topic. And my Anker SoundCore Life p2 are about a 3rd of the price but better. Don't try to move the goalposts just because you are wrong.
I do spend on my equipment, once again I already stated as such in another comment. I've spoked extensively on Reddit prior about how I have multiple audio receivers in my house and how they are setup. I understand you aren't scanning my comments for this, but it's been established - I take audio seriously.
I do reviews, and also work in IT to the scope where I also can setup audio equipment for clients. I get paid to test things, essentially, and it helps myself quite a bit.
underprivlidged t1_j6imp5g wrote
Reply to comment by TorrenceMightingale in The only way I could get my AirPods to not fall out of my ears was to make custom tips by PawnWithoutPurpose
I'd much rather my monitors or a pair of over the ear Sennheisers, but for the cheap and practical use? Anker's wireless buds of many varieties are just the best bang for the buck. And yes, significantly better than AirPods for less than half the price.
underprivlidged t1_j6im7rf wrote
Reply to comment by TorrenceMightingale in The only way I could get my AirPods to not fall out of my ears was to make custom tips by PawnWithoutPurpose
Tons of people are happy to pay extra for subpar products. Hence why iPhones and Macs get great ratings yet are charging triple for dated hardware.
"If you go platinum, its got nothing to do with luck, it just means that a million people are stupid as fuck." - Immortal Technique. Essentially stating that popularity is not equivalent to quality, this lyric perfectly sums up many market demographics. Many products are marketed to the lowest common denomination, cutting corners and hyping brands solely to convince a large portion of the population to spend exorbitant prices on upmarked garbage. Look at Supreme. Oakley. Most bottled water brands. Etc etc. They charge an arm and a leg not because of quality, but because people will buy it - regardless of quality. Moreover, buyer's denial is so prevalent amongst these users it becomes a self-propelled downward spiral of spending on hyped up junk that constantly fails on them. Apple phones are literally designed to slowly fail (planned obsolescence) so that users are forced into buying the latest and "greatest" if they want to run their 7 year old Candy Crush save file.
I work in IT and I'm an audiophile. I've been gifted Apple speakers and headphones before. I've owned AirPods. They are absolutely terrible and anyone who thinks otherwise hasn't heard an average pair of headphones before. A shame.
underprivlidged t1_j6ikz7o wrote
Reply to comment by CombExpress754 in The only way I could get my AirPods to not fall out of my ears was to make custom tips by PawnWithoutPurpose
My Anker SoundCore Life p2 I got over 2 years ago and work perfectly still. I got them on sale for $35 instead of $50.
My wife owns the same pair, almost as old. Never an issue. Better sound quality than anything sub $100 that we tried.
underprivlidged t1_j6ihst9 wrote
Reply to The only way I could get my AirPods to not fall out of my ears was to make custom tips by PawnWithoutPurpose
Maybe try any other brand.
AirPods quality is garbage, they are wayyyy overpriced, and many people cannot even wear them comfortably - yourself included.
You could find a pair from Anker for under $50 that would sound better and actually fit.
underprivlidged t1_j6gkvae wrote
Reply to Polydactyl cat in the rescue I work with has 3 thumbs on each paw. 26 toes in total. by Rizzy5
Does this affect them? Negatively at all? Positively?
Hope they are doing well.
underprivlidged t1_j6g2el4 wrote
Reply to comment by MillBridge101 in How many Battle Passes are you working on? by MillBridge101
I probably play F76 about 3 hours a week at this point.
When I first started a couple months ago (when it came to GamePass) I was putting in at least an hour a day. Now I just can't be bothered as much. Waiting for new content, really.
underprivlidged t1_j6g1ub8 wrote
Actively? None.
I dabble in F76 but I'll never actually pay for it. And I play MTG Arena, but I get the pass just by playing and I don't really pay attention to it.
underprivlidged t1_j6brn2i wrote
Reply to The girth of these carrots! by JustaCanadian_
A lot of lonely middle-aged women aren't sleeping alone anymore now that we've perfected vegetables.
underprivlidged t1_j25affa wrote
Reply to Baldur's Gate 2 or Divinity Original Sin 2? by Roxicaro
Baldur's Gate 1, then 2.
underprivlidged t1_iw1eac0 wrote
Reply to comment by RGeronimoH in This gecko half off for losing its tail by BullDozerr_
underprivlidged t1_iuc6cxz wrote
The only thing you find on the side of the road in my hometown is used condoms, McDonald's bags, and shell casings.
Oh. And homeless people. But like, they're cool.
underprivlidged t1_iuc5rbs wrote
Reply to Describe your favourite video game character badly and let the comments guess who it is by Super_Silver2002
Uh, he literally farts to kill monsters in the sewer ?
underprivlidged t1_iu6oe07 wrote
Reply to Heinz makes peanut butter by ubisoftserverz
Fix your feet bro.
underprivlidged t1_jeebdg5 wrote
Reply to comment by imperfect_and_tense in This braille Hotwheel by SovietImposter
There's nothing on that page.