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DirtySpawn t1_iu8t32d wrote

Looks awesome. What are you using to blend the charcoal? Finger? Blending sticks? Paper towel? Etc.?

What ever you use, or combination of, is great. So many different looking texture changes, like the forehead and then the stripe on his head difference, is bringing Kratos to life.


DirtySpawn t1_iu8te69 wrote

I just looked through your other posts. You are extremely good and talented. Great spatial awareness. Great eye for color. Yes, I am jealous. LOL


NabeelaTheArtist OP t1_iub1ufy wrote

Thank you! I use a brush to blend and my finger for darker areas too. I’m glad you noticed the details and texture changes. I also appreciate you looking through my other artwork. Your kind words are greatly appreciated. 😊🙏