Submitted by Mickcooley t3_yin05i in gaming

Sorry guys but this is a long one


Ok so here's the thing about the matchmaking issue in MW2, I hate the constant being put into a game that is like 60-80% finished and your team is losing I get that there are rage quitters etc and your basically filling their place in that team but lets be honest this shouldn't be the case especially with a new game there are bound to be hundreds of games that players are just starting that need more players to fill, the is one of the big problems with SBMM its doing its best to specifically put you into a match that has players of a similar skill to you which is almost over instead of giving you a fresh game that is filled with players both worse and better then you that is just starting. The disbanding of lobbies just to make sure SBMM is destroying your experience so even when the game is finished you still have the chance of not getting a full game because of this crap. MW2 right now honestly feels like it has the most intense SBMM if you want it in your game then fair enough put it in a ranked playlist not a casual playlist the damn thing is ruining the game already and its only been out a few days.

Again I've no problem with the whole SBMM concept but not in casual play where you just want to have a chill time. Also here is another major issue with SBMM, I'm in Ireland and for a good connection you'd expect me to play against Europeans/people from the UK for connectivity reasons but because of SBMM I'm forced to potentially play against other players from countries such as USA, Canada etc who are all on similar skill to me regardless of how good the connection might actually be, now I get that especially today most people have a really good internet connection so Ping shouldn't really be an issue but I've already experienced games with bad lag because of the SBMM system they have in place and I'm sure I am not the only person who has experienced this issue already.

Sorry about how long this was but its got to the point now where the games are actually starting to become unplayable because of this.



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Bananaslamma24 t1_iujg3bl wrote

I disagree, Activision please take notice of me instead.


Mickcooley OP t1_iuji4cv wrote

did you even read anything I actually said in this


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujij70 wrote

Yeah, and I believe you are completely wrong as a result.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujirst wrote

like i said the concept is good for ranked gameplay like how many old developers are even saying on the likes of twitter


Mickcooley OP t1_iujip6h wrote

then tell me what am I wrong for wanting casual gameplay back like how it was back in the likes of CoD 4, WaW, MW2 - CoD Ghosts etc


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujiyo8 wrote

The fact that it was always like this, CoD had this kind of SBMM in casual since CoD 4.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujj9fa wrote

so they claim and if so maybe that was the case but it was never anywhere near as bad as it is now to the point where you'll get a shitty ass connection just to make sure your playing against someone with the same skill level as you.


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujjllg wrote

That is literally not a thing, I think you just have bad internet.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujjzrl wrote

doubtful bro I have a GB down and a pretty nice upload speed as well


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujkfwf wrote

You know ignorance doesn't stop being ignorance just because it's on YouTube.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujkr44 wrote

its not ignorance its a fact that this is the case SBMM makes the game almost unplayable due the the fact that it ignores connections, back in the day if we sucked we had to get better and by playing against better players we got better if you keep playing on a certain level you never improve and are always stuck at the same level


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujkwfb wrote

It was like it is today.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujl8a5 wrote

no because SBMM will never allow you to play against better or worse players its a constant level that you'll be on so you'll never actually improve


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujlgpk wrote

But there was always SBMM in CoD, as we already established.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujmflj wrote

yes but most times it did pair you up against better or worse players this version of it refuses to do that, your always gonna be on the same level that's the problem you'll never improve older cods also had hosts for the games which meant the game was strictly running off someone else's connection so obviously it put you up against that group of players because you all had a better connection with each other and the lobby never disbanded.


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujmur8 wrote

No you still got put on servers being hosted and played in by people at your skill level.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujnki2 wrote

massive amounts of people have called out SBMM myself included are you saying we're all wrong?


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujnw2b wrote

I could insert an extremely easy political comment here, but I'll just say yes, yes I am.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujo420 wrote

so we're all wrong then ok fine whatever lets leave it their then because we obviously disagree completely


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujoaz5 wrote

You really hate critical thinking that much?


Mickcooley OP t1_iujouef wrote

its nothing to do with critical thinking it to do with the arrogance of some people I hate I have acknowledged that while yes SBMM was in older COD's it was a secondary matchmaking tool the majority of the games that you played in older cods were based off connectivity, I have never once said the thought of SBMM is horrible or bad if you actually read my post I said the concept is good in the likes of ranked playlist which it is hence why it's called RANKED playlist.


Bananaslamma24 t1_iujpryf wrote

You are as arrogant as you are ignorant. It was not a secondary matchmaking tool in the older CODs, SBMM matched you as it does not then gave hosting to the person with the best connection, if you had bad internet you'd still have a bad connection as you do now, without it casual would be an unplayable mess where every game goes poorly with you either getting stomped or doing the stomping, there's no fun or progression in that, thats one of the main reasons CoD was the winner of the 360/PS3 FPS wars.


opportunusadest t1_iujg33d wrote

I remember force-hosting in the „old“ MW2.

Haven‘t tried the new one yet. It was kind of cringe when they showed mobile footage at their big streamer event.

And somehow its too different from thr OF mw2 and too similar to the newer ones.

How are the spawns in this one?


Mickcooley OP t1_iuji2i0 wrote

spawns aren't actually that bad but in the large scale ground war they can be a bit up and down


opportunusadest t1_iujmq7v wrote

Maybe i will give it a try. I will let you know about sbmm when i get there :D


Mickcooley OP t1_iujnq2y wrote

No problem bro but in all honestly I'd maybe wait like a month or so just because usually the first few weeks with a new CoD can be gruesome in terms of bugs, glitches etc


NinjaGremlin94 t1_iujh6yz wrote

Why even bother playing a game that came out years ago and is so obviously a cash grab?


Mickcooley OP t1_iujihc6 wrote

Because the FPS market is flat atm not real standout games for competitive MP most games completely ignore traditional MP now in favour of Battle royale modes which I understand considering its the biggest money maker but still it would be nice if another company did a new type of FPS with the traditional feel.


NinjaGremlin94 t1_iujkt8d wrote

I don't know why people won't go back to older games. They're still there and a lot of them are still supported. If people want an FPS experience, just load up any CoD game from the past five years. Hell, Black Ops 2 is still still up and running in 2022, go to that. It was the last decent CoD game.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujlhjc wrote

I think its more on the console side, because they are always releasing next gen games aren't compatible so most people forget them and let them die whereas on PC the lobbies are almost always full and easy to find a game, had Cross play been a thing years ago it would probably be very straight forward to go back to older games


NinjaGremlin94 t1_iujmacx wrote

It's the current gaming industry. It's basically trying to get rid of gaming history so they can sell the latest overpriced dogshit filled with loot boxes.


Mickcooley OP t1_iujnxgq wrote

Yea a great example of that would be Medal of Honor, the moment EA noticed a fault in the franchise with Warfighter their attitude was yep time to shelve it for good


NinjaGremlin94 t1_iujo3cx wrote

EA is just straight up an evil company. I refuse to buy EA games because their business practices are just a whole bag of nope


Mickcooley OP t1_iujoflv wrote

Men and so many got burnt by them last year with BF2042 great trailers etc I said after Warfighter I'm not gonna get sucked into it again but of course they got me BF2042 was basically the modern gaming age version of Warfighter due to the bugs glitches etc yet EA chooses to shelve one for good a continue to try to salvage the other great company ah lol


NinjaGremlin94 t1_iujwek9 wrote

I don't preorder anything, or buy anything until way after it's release, anymore. I haven't been burned, myself, but I know a lot of people have been. I also don't trust any trailers made by the company. They're either pointless cinematics that tell you nothing, or carefully curated sections. They're trying to sell a product, after all.

Trust me, wait until a game has been released and plenty of reviews have come out for it. That way, you know what you're getting into.