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t1_iu9i5yi wrote

Wow they stripped even more features and people are still buying this? Jeez.


OP t1_iu9ihph wrote

Yeah it releases with season 1.


t1_iu9iksw wrote

That's some mad dog shit. Why do people still keep buying these games when they strip features like that?


OP t1_iu9izyk wrote

Because I didn't know about it, and it is only until November 16th. Also I enjoyed the campaign for the most part.


t1_iu9j9zx wrote

Still that kind of mentality of "oh it'll be patched in" is not good. Hardcore was a fundamental part of COD. Now having it delayed for no reason is beyond stupid.

Glad the campaign was enjoyable.


OP t1_iu9jw5n wrote

Enjoyable for plot, but like there was large mechanical issues, and it was way "harder" than any other with the soft locks, I am so mixed after buying this game, like it has cool features, but then you can stand still behind somebody 10 feet away and he "hears" you and blows your brains out? 10/10 don't know if I reccomend.


t1_iu9nl0m wrote

That sounds like how it is on Veteran for most COD games but if that was on normal I'd never play it


OP t1_iu9qgzh wrote

I only play veteran, but soft locks are worse in this game than any previous COD, so I kept getting caught between groups of 3 and 2 people, and respawning hoping they would move the same, but they changed every time, and kspt spotting me somehow.


t1_iu9vnae wrote

You'd think COD as a franchise would be over having things like soft locks and instantly destroying you.


OP t1_iu9vua6 wrote

Yeah, sad to see how they introduced things like sliding, diving, the ledge peeking, and keep basic and ancient mechanics like soft locks and worse stealth missions than old CODs.


t1_iua8elc wrote

Due to public backlash they are looking at adding it sooner then later. Over the next few days


OP t1_iuaeay2 wrote

Oh good, I was mucho sado.


t1_iuagffz wrote

I was in the process if asking for a refund for misrepresentation of goods for not listing No Hardcore.


OP t1_iuagylh wrote

Nice, with Battlefield 2042, I purchased the 100 dollar game, and when it was and is utter trash, I blame myself, I didn't need to buy the game, but I did. For MW2, I was pranked by COD, and am upset but not enough to refund because all of my friends are going to play it, hopefully in time it gets patched.


t1_iuakiiy wrote

Basically everyone needs to just stand up and either refuse to play and refund or sign petition to put to Activision for hardcore. I would like to see every core game type including invasion, ground war and even warzone as hardcore


t1_iu9uug7 wrote

Because the alternative is no games


t1_iu9vowy wrote

Wrong. The alternative is buying games that are worth your money.


t1_iu9w3nm wrote

The person who decides if it’s worth their money is the person parting with their money


t1_iu9w790 wrote

Not if they're expecting not even bare minimum from video games.


t1_iu9wj1z wrote

I only play single player so the hardcore mode not being included makes literally no difference to me


t1_iu9xrlr wrote

That's not the point. Just because you're okay with it doesn't make it fundamentally right.


t1_iudmj1d wrote

HC is life. For all the core play pu$$ies out there grow a pair we don't want to lower our standards to make you happy. COD fix your broken game for all the real COD vets. Don't give in to these millennials like the rest of the world did.


t1_iu9gdhp wrote

I think CoD should ONLY have HC.


OP t1_iu9gnqq wrote

I think that would lower the playerbase and rid it of people that can't shoot before getting shot.


t1_iu9hkjq wrote

So you understand why they do what they do


OP t1_iu9inqt wrote

Yes, people like me thought they would have hardcore, and then found out they didn't post buying the game, make sales not happy faces, makes sense on a marketing scale.


t1_iu9l3qt wrote

If people complain CoD is a sweat fest as is…. Imagine nothing but getting beamed across the map by an SMG. Almost every gun in the game would immediately be unviable