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zoltsz t1_iuf6yov wrote

Cd project red gets overhated as fuck the cyberpunk problems weren’t the teams fault


TitleComprehensive96 t1_iuf72to wrote

Are you talking about CDRed announcing a bunch of stuff for years into the future to keep investors? Or Cyberpunk 2077?


beck35 t1_iuf7t8n wrote

What's wrong with CD Project Red?


DataDrifterOFC t1_iuf8cr8 wrote

Are you sure it's not just social bubble thing? I think many hate the higher ups and marketing in most game companies but CDPR as far as companies go really stepped up, took the hit to the chin and fixed their shit. If you take any bugthesda/ea/ubisoft game and compare it's pretty clear which is the responsible one.


6363tagoshi t1_iufbfmk wrote

Are you 12? what is your issues with CDPR you keep making troll posts? You you being brainwashed by some idiot on youtube who makes money from creating hate videos? are you that easy to minipulate?


graxy98 t1_iufblmq wrote

Why are you so butthurt about Cyberpunk? The game developers tried postponing the release as much they could, but the upper management screwed them over in the end.

It was a bad release, but the game is fine now. And the sales are great.

Witcher 1, 2, 3 were all bangers, and the DLCs from Witcher 3 were a work of art. But you gloss over that? And you say that the company is bad because of 1 mistake, for which they're redeeming themselves.

You gotta be a troll. If you're not, i don't know what to tell you honestly, good luck


Eoooiny t1_iuffb9q wrote

This is the strangest reddit user I've seen for awhile. Every single post is about Cyberpunk/CDPR

How long are you going to keep this up? Do you think this is healthy to be so obsessed by something you hate? I'm genuinely curious


SnooRevelations5116 t1_iufg55z wrote

worst spit take in years. Netflix is leagues above cdpr in terms of being hated. cdpr got rushed with cp2077 and it would've been 10x better on launch if it weren't for the whiners who made the devs release it early. On the other side though they shouldn't have put the trailers out with a date until it was actually ready. Either way cdpr isn't hated, if anything they're pretty well liked due to the fact of edgerunners being a success.


djr7 t1_iufiymr wrote

this sounds like an angry 12 year old wanting validation for their thoughts on these companies for whatever reason


Glad-Driver-24 t1_iufn6tj wrote

All of the Witcher games had problems at launch, while obviously not as well documented as Cyberpunk as they kind of asked for that kind of backlash, they still were not fully fleshed out and all needed definitive editions to fix issues.


Andr-O-Mat t1_iufnp4j wrote

Netflix. I love CD Projekt Red.


Alfie-Shepherd t1_iufq1na wrote

Pretty sure the crunch criticism was proven to be lie by game journalist's, CDPR did have their employee's work over time but Polands law's don't allow for brutal crunch


KidsAreIrresponsible t1_iufqbtu wrote

Absolute bullshit, all the witcher games were perfectly fine at launch in comparison to cyber punk. Yes they got some small patches with optimization and nerfs/buffs in the first few months but that's pretty normal for any game nowadays.


Glad-Driver-24 t1_iufrejj wrote

>in comparison to cyber punk

As I said in my comment, yes. However, they still were not in a state to be released to the general public.

>that's pretty normal for any game nowadays.

Both Witcher 1 and 2 had "enchanced editions" that literally came out one year after they released and fixed issues like loading times, bugs and graphical issues. That's not normal.


Ok-Ambition-9432 t1_iufxwi8 wrote

CD projekt red is hated? They've made some of the most beloved games of all time.


jakalarf t1_iugxk9g wrote

Netflix. they have made a lot bad decisions and greenlit a lot of bad series.

The only thing people don't like CD Rrojekt Red for is the horrible state of Cyberpunk 2077.

Ironically the most recent good thing that has happened to Netflix is Cyberpunk Edgerunners by CD Projekt Red and Studio Trigger.