Submitted by Ordinary-Flounder675 t3_z8jcws in gaming

I can’t think of a lot of games that fit this description since I don’t play many hated games besides COD Ghosts. That game deserves the hate but I only play with a couple friends and the jank adds to the fun. Most recently, the game that comes to mind is Evil West. It has some problems for sure but it has amazing potential with a few patches and a sizeable DLC/sequel. I beat the game but I definitely got annoyed with the levels not being able to backtrack. Also there were no side quests which was weird.



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Pineapplewelder t1_iybyyqf wrote

The two that instantly pop to my mind are Final Fantasy 15 and No Man's Sky. On their releases they were both pretty terrible. But after updates and DLC (specifically looking at NMS here), they both become pretty awesome games.


thefahad t1_iycirjn wrote

I played FFXV recently. didn't feel like final fantasy, felt like a boy band road trip to be honest . in the game's defense, I played it total of 2 hours only


Pineapplewelder t1_iydd6h8 wrote

Well there's a reason it feels like that. If you play the entire game, the cover of "stand by me" at the beginning makes perfect sense. Idk. I felt like it was a perfectly fine Final Fantasy game. It just needed a bit more padding out. Which thankfully the story related DLC happened to be free. It's one of my favorite FF games now because I've experienced the entire story as it was supposed to be told.


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyc04z6 wrote

It sucks that modern gaming is all about putting it out as fast as possible and then finishing it later. First impressions are everything. Personally, I’m the kinda guy to get a game at launch (where it starts out shitty) and then play that game throughout its whole lifecycle. Halo infinite is an example. Game is still not great but it has gotten better and I have know doubt it will be good by the end. I just wish it would’ve come in swinging.


Pineapplewelder t1_iyc0utx wrote

I have to very strongly point at NMS for this one. FFXV was a good game in MY opinion but alot of people seem to still not like it. Hello Games has basically delivered what they promised with NMS, it just took them a little longer than expected. And that I can respect. All the DLC is free. They just ran out of time.


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyc179z wrote

I still haven’t checked it out cause I wanna play it in VR first. I just need to get a PC which I plan to anyways. I already have the headset.


Pineapplewelder t1_iyc48m6 wrote

No Man's Sky is a perfect example of a development that just ran out of time. I don't mean to dote all over it, it has it's faults. But like I previously said, all of the DLC was free, and it made the game almost what was promised. (I still feel like they have more up their sleeve). I don't necessarily feel like it's companies taking the short road, I feel it's more the market. To be successful in this current industry, you need almost a game a year. Which just isn't doable. COD and sports games (which I have no problem with at all) just set the tone of "you need a new game every year when people expect it to come out." Long gone are the days of a masterpiece being worked on and dealt with until its release. Sadly.


Marinut t1_iybwhpr wrote

Fable 3 was claimed to be the worst shit ever due to molyneux overhype, but its just like both earlier fables. Excellent polish, Silly humour, decent gameplay, mediocore plot and choices between good and evil.

Its not the best game ever, but it was decent. Certainly wasn't the worst game ever made.


SepticKnave39 t1_iyby0qr wrote

I disliked fable 3 because it stripped you of a lot of your "choices" and made the game more "linear". I hardly even remember this far out but in the first 2 games I could go into a village and just kill everything and get all the exp and put that into slow time, and I could do that basically whenever I wanted. In fable 3, you would unlock x ability by getting to 75% of the story and unlocking it by opening a chest or whatever. Instead of leaving all that player faculty open, they dumbed it down.

At least, that's the way I remember it.... So many years....


Marinut t1_iybyg11 wrote

Wasn't how Fable 3 was at all, you could still go and murder an entire village whenever you wanted if you wanted to and use that exp for dumb shit.

Some abilities were tied to the plot but they were plotty abilities.

And, even if what you said was accurate, my point was that it was still a decent game. It didn't deserve to bankrupt Lion's Gate, or to be lauded as the worst game ever.


SepticKnave39 t1_iybyors wrote

> It didn't deserve to bankrupt Lion's Gate, or to be lauded as the worst game ever.

Oh yeah. Idk I just wanted to voice a gripe I had with the game. But maybe I am misremembering. I just remember thinking it was annoying being locked out of stuff from not progressing the story. I would love for fable to come back, overall they were fantastic games.


FormalTadpole2260 t1_iybw04h wrote

Cyberpunk deserved all the hate it got at launch. Now, however it is an absolute must play game.


Intrepid-Event-2243 t1_iyceuml wrote

it's still the same game as at launch with a few less bugs and some insignificant new features.


Ewaldric t1_iye4i2s wrote

I can respect the base game stayed very much the same, but the insignificant new features were things that were somewhat important to me, like outfits added. The fact that my first playthrough had the Delemain on the phone forever bug really ruined what immersion it had. I found playing at launch and playing now totally a different experience personally.


SepticKnave39 t1_iybxsk9 wrote

I wouldn't call it a must play. It's good. It's nothing revolutionary.


Pender8911 t1_iybxe47 wrote

It's still one of the worst open worlds I've ever played. In terms of open world mechanics.


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iybxrk2 wrote

Nah Cyberpunk is great. The game always had amazing potential but at launch it failed miserably. Now I’d consider it in my top 15. Not only did the patches and new content help fix it but the anime elevated it to a whole new level.


Pender8911 t1_iybxtnr wrote

Bless you and your corpo bias. I just hate being scammed


ItzStone_ t1_iycr6gg wrote

If you bought it on console I can understand that sentiment, but on pc it was pretty good at launch.


Pender8911 t1_iycri77 wrote

I don't think you understand the issue. Go look comparison videos of content pre launch and now. It's not even close to the same game.


ItzStone_ t1_iycttrq wrote

What content though, besides apartments and rebalancing / bug fixing the only new content I know of are from mods.

I started playing again yesterday since it launched, it's still the same game, same story, just better.


No-Dig-4093 t1_iyc9zdp wrote

Mass effect andromeda.


Ewaldric t1_iye3amo wrote

Andromeda would have been so decent with a bit of polish and a completely new name and setting (not Mass Effect.) As it is the plot and the characters are pretty awful, but I liked the combat and weapon customization a lot.

The biggest issue it has is that the story makes no sense, and deals with a lot of tell but don't show. Example: Angarans keep going on and on about how emotional they are, but never really show it. And for that matter, how would they know? What's their reference point for other races? Dump some of the dumb dialogue and give a plot reason for some of the dumb stuff and it would have been really good. As it was, it was okay.


Intrepid-Event-2243 t1_iyces3o wrote

it's a mediocre spin off of an outstanding franchise, the hate kinda makes sense.


LovisAeternia t1_iycc5ko wrote

DMC: Devil May Cry.

It's a bad Dmc game, the story and characters aren't similar at all to their canon counterparts. However, it is an amazing hack n' slash game , incredibly fun to play and has very interesting ideas and very good art direction


Keknia t1_iybvvcq wrote

cod ghosts is my favorite cod


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iybykfx wrote

I don’t hate it. With the map packs and most of the dlc it’s pretty good but otherwise the giant maps combined with the hyper-fast time to kill makes it a nightmare in multiplayer. Extinction was cool as long you have the other missions. It was mostly a wasted potential. It would have been better if it was more similar to zombies. I could see them bringing it back in the style of zombies mode.


SoulOnIceNJ t1_iybw27c wrote

Metroid Other M


BluePikmin123 t1_iyc1sw7 wrote

I would also name Federation Force. If they had just timed the release differently (for example, have Samus Returns announced as well) reception would probably be much better. its a fun little multiplayer experience :)


HollandTHG t1_iybx6im wrote

Dark Souls 2 and The Surge.


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iybytpd wrote

I don’t think dark souls 2 is hated.


HollandTHG t1_iybz0oc wrote

I don't think you've ever made a DS2 appreciation post in a DS Reddit lol


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyc0bo3 wrote

Well I mean every game has people who hate it. I’m just saying that the majority of people don’t hate it. I haven’t actually beat a dark souls game before. I tried Mortal Shell for like an hour and then realized that it really was as hard as everyone said. I’m just saying that I’ve heard a lot of praise for Dark Souls 2. I’ve heard more hate on Eldin Ring than I have on Darksouls 2.


HollandTHG t1_iyc0jwz wrote

I've been listening to and reading vehement hate from all sides for DS2, since it's initial release, so I'm still gonna keep that as one of my two votes lol. Most of the hate I've heard on Elden Ring is based on it not having an easy mode, or the lore not being just openly explained at every turn, and even claiming that people only enjoy it because so many people hate it, whiiiiiich is wildly inaccurate.


Galactonug t1_iyc7jpl wrote

It's definitely the most hated lol, at least historically; could be Elden Ring because of the sheer popularity it gained. I quite enjoy every one though. They're all awesome


[deleted] t1_iyby783 wrote

Battlefront 2 has been a really solid shooter since it launched


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iybzgvu wrote

The new one? It was bad at launch but it’s pretty good now. I just wish they had the arcade mode but with online. Still though the fact that it has split-screen is awesome. I actually bought Evil West thinking that the co-op aspect was split screen and I was pissed when I realized it was online co-op. I wanted a new game to play with my dad since we beat It Takes Two.


Ewaldric t1_iye42v2 wrote

Co-op can be SO misleading in modern games, because that word encompasses 3 or 4 possible things.

*split screen/take turns on same computer/tv (see A Way Out.)

*Online co-op with friends (see Borderlands 2, Diablo 3, etc)

*Online required co-op with random players (see any COD/Battlefield game.)

*Single player with some optional co-op elements (see Elden Ring.)

Sometimes it's optional, sometimes it's required. We know what MMO means, and what single player means, but co-op is so all-purpose. I actually bought Darktide not realizing it required grouping with randos, assumed it would be like Vermintide.


BluePikmin123 t1_iyc1zot wrote

Paper Mario Color Splash. The humor is great, music is amazing, it looks beautiful. Yea the battle system can become boring after a while but it's honestly a pretty fun game :)


Lunar_Fable_Games t1_iycsxwj wrote

Honestly I think it's got some of the most clever and creative levels in the series.


Briso_ t1_iychpm0 wrote

Star Citizen


mrhippoj t1_iyciiid wrote

Sonic Unleashed. The werehog sections are definitely weaker, but the Sonic levels are great, as are the music and environments. I think if it hadn't been released after a run of terrible Sonic games, people would have been a lot kinder to it


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyd06ay wrote

I’ve played it. It was cool but I found the controls to be annoying. That’s my fault though cause I played on the wii. I knew that too. One day I will play the 360 version.


AdEmpty8174 t1_iycw0w8 wrote

Watch dogs 1


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyd0n1z wrote

I have the second watchdogs on PS3 but I never played it. I heard it was good. I know that legions is really bad though.


jackmydickallday t1_iyd9dpi wrote

Ds2 , I do agree that ds2 is the (worst) when it comes to certain aspect of fromsoft games , but it is not bad at all , I enjoy it a lot , challenge run are different in ds2 and even more fun , and the good part is ,it is not a straight line like ds3 , other than that the game has very cool stuff .


RuyKnight t1_iye7zy1 wrote

Megaman 7

I understand some of the complains, but the hate it receives makes it seem like it didn't do anything right, which is just not true


truegaminggamer t1_iyf7c7o wrote

Last of us 2 got bashed for the dumbest fucking reasons by the dumbest fucking people In gaming


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyf9bg9 wrote

I can understand some of the hate like with the Ellie taking the sidelines.


truegaminggamer t1_iyfa1k7 wrote

In no way shape or form is last of us 2 a "bad game" anyone who says otherwise is a moron to me


rowgw t1_iyc0frf wrote

Drakengard 3 i guess? I never played the game but have seen people hate the gameplay and combat


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyc0yyd wrote

I’ve never even heard of that series before.


rowgw t1_iyc3jk3 wrote

Drakengard is pre-NieR, do you know NieR?


Ok_Deal_964 t1_iyc1zw9 wrote

“Death Stranding is just deliveroo simulator…”

It’s actually a technical masterpiece and i feel most people who knock it have never played it.



Intrepid-Event-2243 t1_iycezgp wrote

I really like the setting, but the story telling was dreadful. exposition... exposition... exposition and plot twists for the sake of plot twists.


whitepplwithdreads t1_iyc7ag6 wrote

The Witcher 3


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyc8xqy wrote

Is loved be almost everyone. Nobody hates Witcher 3.


whitepplwithdreads t1_iyc94e8 wrote

How did you hear about the Witcher 3??? It's an under rated indie gem by a small company


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyczirk wrote

Cd project Red? They arent a small company. I’ve also heard only good things on the Witcher 3. I think you are getting it confused with another game.


Womderloki t1_iyd0y6i wrote

I recently started Red Dead Redemption 2 for the first time and damn a lot of people seem to dislike it. I've only gotten to chapter two but I really love the immersion and world. Even if it's slower paced I think it's a nice change from my usual games


Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iyd23fi wrote

I’ve heard only good things about Red Dead Redemption 2. I have heard that Red Dead online is bad but RDD2 is a one of the best games from the last like 5 years.


Womderloki t1_iyd29r5 wrote

It's great so far. It's fun being able to walk around a small town and greet everyone and all the animals. Lmao I'm too nice to be playing the thief


Ewaldric t1_iye5gcw wrote

Red Dead Online is fantastic, but they stopped supporting it so it's really empty. No new content and once you've unlocked all the roles it's just repetitive with nothing to buy for the cash you've earned. A million players would flock back to it overnight if they added a new role (roles are similar to GTA businesses.)


wikilectual t1_iydeidh wrote

DMC great game, but people couldn't get past Dante not having long white hair


waste_land_wanderer t1_iybxl3d wrote

Fallout 76.

It gets so much crap from "thous" people who complain and cry like babies about where fallout 5 or a new Vegas remaster is on every fo76 video on youtube etc 🙄

and they say stuff which clearly shows they know nothing about fallout 76. Fo76 is great and loved by millions of players (who also made it the best non toxic online game community ever)


brian11e3 t1_iyckr18 wrote

I agree. The game was hated even before it launched because of two words: "PvP" and "Multiplayer."


waste_land_wanderer t1_iydsujx wrote

And yet pvp isn't really a thing now (guess cos all the toxic cod/fortnite players tried fo76 and abandoned it leaving all the peaceful players to enjoy it)

multi-player imo made fallout a better game, I found fo4 dreadfully boring so when fo76 came out it hooked me (2000hours of gameplay to be exact compared to fo4 which I only put 100hrs in). Not to mention fo76 lore,world and story is better (even if it's abit poorly written)


Ewaldric t1_iye4wxa wrote

Never played at launch, and good gosh, I'm glad... I played recently with my wife and friends and loved this game! BUT... with no NPCs except robots it would have been awful. I also don't think as a single player experience it would hold up to FO4. But with friends it's a hoot.


waste_land_wanderer t1_iye7xu9 wrote

I prefer it before npcs..with npcs they removed the survival features and the atmosphere which felt just like you only surviving and uncovering what happened in the post apocalyptic world sometimes coming across the rare player. Still great but it lost its charm that really hooked me into the game and world after wastelanders update


Intrepid-Event-2243 t1_iycf6gn wrote

Nah, i have hundreds of hours in that game, and technically it's still a mess, the whole engine is just terrible for an online game and there haven't been any meaningful content updates for a Year. Expeditions are a huge disappointment and are just daily ops with extra steps.

I get what Bethesda was trying with the game and i am not mad that they dared that experiement, but at this point we gotta admit that it kinda failed. It wants to be an online game, but you can not complete the instanced Quest Content together, everyone has to complete it for themself, the system is not thought through well.


[deleted] t1_iybwjwv wrote



Ordinary-Flounder675 OP t1_iybxlqy wrote

That game deserves the hate not gonna lie. Diablo is good but Diablo Immortal is garbage.