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t1_ixqb3i9 wrote

Looking at steam, I could have cured cancer.


t1_ixqb5t1 wrote

If you’re still counting in hours you’re not a gamer


t1_ixqbczq wrote

It's best not to do the math on this one people.


t1_ixqca82 wrote

I’ve played games my whole life. As a kid it was easy to drop a whole day playing. As an adult I tend to stay up and play 2-3 hours after my family goes to bed and while I’m still awake. Conservatively I’d say I spend about 10% of my life gaming. And that’s being pretty conservative, it wasn’t uncommon for me to get 5 or 6 hours a day for a long time there when i didn’t have anything else going on.

I’m 35 now. I’ve probably played games for 3.5-4 years of playtime.


t1_ixqdops wrote

I run a game store. Would making recommendations to customers about games count?

Because... lots?


t1_ixqeyy3 wrote

So I've been gaming for 27 years. Let's say I played 5 hours a day every day. That'd be at least 49,275 hours or 2053.125 days.


t1_ixqgkrb wrote

I'd convert hours into days. Then days to months. Then months to years.

It's years. I'm positively incorrect that it's years.


t1_ixqh8pn wrote

You think I know?? If I stuck to a strict schedule it would be easier. But some days I don't play at all and other I spend a whole day playing.


t1_ixqjdzr wrote

If I had to guess, at least 1/10th of my life, so 3 years? Probably more, but at least 3.


t1_ixqmtnn wrote

Guess since I was six? That’s when I got Minecraft after having only ever watched the Diamond minecart play it.


t1_ixqt4tf wrote

For those of you who play on Steam that want to be disappointed: SteamDB Calculator

My own hours on Steam comes to about 1000 hours a year, so assuming that’s pretty constant, and considering consoles, arcades, and playing at friends’ houses, going back to childhood, I would guess just over 50,000 hours in my lifetime.

So I’m definitely an expert now.


t1_ixud53f wrote

I’d say I have over 8 months of time gaming all put together