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Svvatzenegger t1_iy5nyb1 wrote

I'm yet to play 6 but 3 is by far the best one I have played. 5 had it's moments but the baddies being able to use a magic bullet in you when the game wanted to show a cutscene was bullshit.


Memesarereal_24 t1_iy6fts7 wrote

I’m my opinion I really liked 3 and 5, but 6 felt like they took 3 and watered everything down and called it far cry 6, but that’s just me


ShowMeThemLeavesGirl t1_iy7x75k wrote

The whole magic bullets that put you to sleep and force you into a mission always made me want to quit playing FC5. I don't want to be forced into a mission in an open world game