got hollow knight about two months ago. up until about midgame it was alright, but then i succumbed to some mods and lo and behold! easy mode appeared in my game somehow :D
It depends on the game but I always try and play on normal/medium difficulty. I find with hard modes in a lot of games the enemies just become tankier/grindier and that's not what I want from a harder difficulty mode. I think enemies and bosses should have different attack patterns etc rather than just dealing more damage and having longer health bars.
Hell yes. My time is limited, I want to play through the game not grind the same objective for an hour while I learn the perfect combination of buttons to get past it.
Games like Diablo are best on slightly harder difficulty. They reward you with better loot and more exp. Other games allow you to become way too OP fast. No fun in combat.
Depends on the game. But mostly, yes, I think. I play on a difficulty where I have fun at which is usually normal, where it isn't too easy, but enemies aren't also bullet sponges.
vine01 t1_j2dbwqf wrote
yes.. :D i observe that in myself yep