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1mStillStanding t1_j2an46k wrote

A medicore story, bare bones combat, clunky controls, boring main character, tacked on rpg leveling that makes little difference in anything, and sex scenes.


FGCNerd1 t1_j2anpt4 wrote

OP asked about Witcher 3, not RDR2


1mStillStanding t1_j2atztb wrote

They're the same overrated bloated mess imo but at least I have a were bit more freedom to dick around for fun in red dead than I do the Witcher 3.


FGCNerd1 t1_j2az362 wrote

>more freedom

Have you played any of the story missions in RDR2? You don’t have freedom at all


1mStillStanding t1_j2b14vc wrote

I didn't say story missions. I literally said both these games suck. But at least in red dead I can free roam the open world and wreck havoc on whatever or whoever I see. I can't do that in the Witcher 3.