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WarewolfNotSwearwolf t1_j2aj9k2 wrote

Great story, great combat, visually beautiful (even better with mods), and hours upon hours of gameplay. I don’t traditionally like RPG games but I love the Witcher 3. DLCs are amazing too. All can be had for about $10 on sale which is an absolute steal.


23523634609234357455 t1_j2au79v wrote

I know I could find the answer online but should you play one and two first?


WarewolfNotSwearwolf t1_j2aw7a5 wrote

Haven’t played either but I’ve heard there’s no need to. I suppose if you want to get really into the story it would be fun. But W3 is easily a game you can pick up and get invested in right away without knowing anything about the Witcher.


Sabetha1183 t1_j2aklh8 wrote

Great story, great atmosphere, and it was a lot of content for nothing more than the price of the game. The last DLC, Blood & Wine, was also enough content it could have almost been its own game. It's like an expansion pack of old.

I guess some people like the combat, but personally I thought it was mediocre. It's not bad, it's just not good.


B3RS3RK_CR0W t1_j2badx8 wrote

Everything about the game is so amazing that it just makes the lack luster combat feel out of place. The combat just feels stiff. Even with a build dedicated to spells, they feel really weak. Never saw a point in investing in alchemy considering it feels powerful enough without it, and isn't really that necessary. Dedicating your entire build to crossbows is just like the spells, even maxed out, the bow feels weak. This just leaves you playing with the swords. They're fine, but you only have two attacks and a really wonky parry/block system.

If they had a more impressive combat system, the game would be perfect.


kenlasalle t1_j2algqt wrote

(Counterpoint: You might find it looks beautiful but not like the way it plays...)

Signed, someone who knows.


risen_peanutbutter t1_j2asgl4 wrote

Yeah gameplay is garbage. You really need to be able to get over that bit to enjoy it


kenlasalle t1_j2awckd wrote

I had tried playing it with keyboard/mouse but I just picked up a Blutooth controller for my PC and I'm going to give it another go because it does look gorgeous and I've heard good things (aside from the gameplay, of course).

Wish me luck!


risen_peanutbutter t1_j2b33xy wrote

Good luck! I managed to get over the controls on KB/M, and it really is a fantastic game once you do.


1mStillStanding t1_j2an8kd wrote

Fr aside from the atmosphere and decent graphics this game isn't special at all.


ShotGlass31 t1_j2an3ix wrote

It’s an immersive open world that you can get lost in. You don’t have to do the main story, you can just go around exploring detailed environments and still find new things you’ve never encountered before.

The story and characters and compelling and relatable, even in a fantasy setting. You end up caring about not only the main characters but even the random NPCs on the street.

Speaking of the setting, it’s not your typical fantasy like Lord of the Rings. It shares some of the same DNA as Game of Thrones. It’s a realistic take on the fantasy genre. In Witcher, there are elves and dwarves and all kinds of things, but there’s also people. What have humans done to anyone that’s remotely different from them? They scapegoat them and focus their anger on them. It does was good fantasy or sci fi should do, it talks about a very real issue through a fantastical lens.

The combat is tough, but rewarding once you get a hang of it. The game engine itself requires getting used to. I’ve had a number of people refuse to play the game after the 10 minute prologue because they hated the engine. Once you get used to it, it’s not bad, like any new game.

They approach the game’s story in a way so that you don’t have to have played the last 2 games or have read the books to know what happening. You can jump in Witcher 3 and you will still learn and know everything that’s happening. The in game dialogue choices lend itself to countless different ways to interact with NPCs.

In terms of RPGs, it’s much more precise than others. You are not some faceless hero like in Skyrim, you are Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher. You already have a role in the game’s society and the average NPCs adhere to this. You aren’t dealing with the conflicts as yourself, or your in-game standing, your dealing with them as Geralt. This is something that’s hit or miss from players. I, myself love RPing as a Witcher.

In summary, it’s a massive fantasy world grounded in reality for you to sink your teeth into and explore, with a story and characters that will have you invested (should you be so inclined). There’s different ways to approach combat, whether that’s with magic, bombs, or your trusty swords. The world feels old, and lived in. Immersion is easy. There is a massive about of replayability, encouraging multiple playthroughs do to the sheer amount of choices for you to make.

Ultimately it’s one of those games that you have to just try for yourself. If you’re a fan of RPGs or fantasy, you WILL enjoy this game. If you’re looking for your next big game commitment, Witcher 3 is a great option. If you’re looking for something more casual, you may still enjoy it, but it’s a time sink.

I know you asked for quick but I’m sorry, there’s too much to talk about with this game.


Ok-Pressure-3879 t1_j2asga4 wrote

Theres monster killing contract work, theres a zillion sidequests with even more places to explore. And you never know where a sidequest will go. They are far more intricate and involved than DA:I all filler no killer. The world feels real and lived in. Its a rough place to be. You can make things worse for good people accidentally. It feels like an adult story vs a sanitized super clean game.

Edit: this was to add to the post for the OP as it was a great reply already.


ShotGlass31 t1_j2at51c wrote

This. Also, for the monster work; each one feels like a crime scene and your investigating the area. You have to look for clues and interview witnesses, and once you actually do get to the monster, you have to kill it. Each monster has their own strengths and weaknesses so learning which is which benefits you. You can kill a monster without the proper tools, yes; but you’ll have a tougher time doing it, especially on the higher difficulties.


Ok-Pressure-3879 t1_j2aut85 wrote

And personally Heart of Stone is one of the greatest DLC stories and overall stories I have ever seen in a game.


selway111 OP t1_j2aw0x8 wrote

Thank you for this detailed response!

I'm generally more into exploration and narrative. If the combat isn't doing much for me, is there a way to dumb it down so I can still enjoy the game?


Ok-Pressure-3879 t1_j2ax43f wrote

On the easiest setting its not really hard. And if you figure out block/parry timing its like turning god mode on.

It does add a layer of complexity but potions are huge. Especially the oils. When you get to the top level oils its like 50% increase in damage. They arent mandatory like the older games but they’re definitely making it easier.


ShotGlass31 t1_j2b4s73 wrote

There’s a difficulty setting called Just the Story, it should be what your looking for. If it’s still too easy the next difficulty up it’s a pretty middle if the road experience when combat and story are concerned. Hope all this helped, enjoy!


Professional-Bread59 t1_j2ajvbs wrote

It just has everything; an amazing story, an in depth combat system, a beautiful world, enjoyable characters, Etc. Overall it’s just one the most complete games you’ll ever play.


Original-Accident-35 t1_j2asa3f wrote

It was literally the most awarded game in history until TLOU2 unceremoniously beat it.


NO-MAD-CLAD t1_j2awlgm wrote

Other then Roaches tomfuckery every other aspect of the game is just incredibly well done. High attention to detail in every aspect.


SirBnana t1_j2axo2i wrote

Played it until halfway through, never seen the prequels, the only reason i didn't progress further was because the story felt so compelling or well written that i thought "damn, I don't recognize any of these characters"so i stopped, ordered ALL the books, and only after reading all of them i played again


zedehbee t1_j2c7cul wrote


In all seriousness, I knew nothing about the witcher universe until I picked up witcher 3 and I loved it. It's a story driven rpg with light rpg mechanics (equipment, dialog choices and perks picked from 4 skill trees[combat, magic, alchemy, and general]). Where the game shines is in its ability to tell a story and make you feel for the characters. Another strength is the environments and the developers ability to tell a story though them as well as making the world feel alive( during the conversations I'm wishing the story could keep progressing right then and there making me want to follow the story further, at the same time, while I'm scavanging ruins hunting down an acient artifact or a bandit groups treasure trove, I find myself wanting to keep exploring). Like most RPGs its full of decisions you get to make, some will have an immediate impact, while others might not show their effects until you get further into the game(as a dirty save scummer i enjoyed this, forcing me to stick with my previous decision rather then replay 4 hours). I personally find that the combat gets a little repetitive once you learn the enemies attacks(cast spell, light attack till the enemy is about to attack, dodge, repeat) although, you do have various tools to attack enemies(4 spells, light and heavy attack, various bombs, and a crossbow) and augment Geralt(potions, decotions, and oils)to use in combat. To top off this amazing story driven rpg, is a card game called gwent that you will find yourself playing as you go from town to town winning rare cards of the locals(even a few optional gwent tournaments). Even with its flaws, gwent cough ah I mean witcher 3 is one of the best games I've played.


thedoggydaddy t1_j2d5hza wrote

The story telling is deep, the cities feel alive and realistic and the music in the game is so good the way it ties into some of the cut scenes.


OSFrog2023 t1_j2awyvb wrote

It's isn't. I don't like it but I only played the 3rd and barely got thru it b4 moving on. It's similar to gow recently where it's cinematics more than solid gameplay.

It felt like more video than game.


Boing26 t1_j2chtfh wrote

unpopular opinion but i find it lacking. graphics are good, but gameplay is lacking and story just doesnt grab me. i WANT to like it i feel like i shoukx vut it just comes across as bland to me.


1mStillStanding t1_j2an46k wrote

A medicore story, bare bones combat, clunky controls, boring main character, tacked on rpg leveling that makes little difference in anything, and sex scenes.


FGCNerd1 t1_j2anpt4 wrote

OP asked about Witcher 3, not RDR2


1mStillStanding t1_j2atztb wrote

They're the same overrated bloated mess imo but at least I have a were bit more freedom to dick around for fun in red dead than I do the Witcher 3.


FGCNerd1 t1_j2az362 wrote

>more freedom

Have you played any of the story missions in RDR2? You don’t have freedom at all


1mStillStanding t1_j2b14vc wrote

I didn't say story missions. I literally said both these games suck. But at least in red dead I can free roam the open world and wreck havoc on whatever or whoever I see. I can't do that in the Witcher 3.


AlphaPuff_90 t1_j2bawpw wrote

Just play the damn game and form your own opinions.
