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selway111 OP t1_j2aw0x8 wrote

Thank you for this detailed response!

I'm generally more into exploration and narrative. If the combat isn't doing much for me, is there a way to dumb it down so I can still enjoy the game?


Ok-Pressure-3879 t1_j2ax43f wrote

On the easiest setting its not really hard. And if you figure out block/parry timing its like turning god mode on.

It does add a layer of complexity but potions are huge. Especially the oils. When you get to the top level oils its like 50% increase in damage. They arent mandatory like the older games but they’re definitely making it easier.


ShotGlass31 t1_j2b4s73 wrote

There’s a difficulty setting called Just the Story, it should be what your looking for. If it’s still too easy the next difficulty up it’s a pretty middle if the road experience when combat and story are concerned. Hope all this helped, enjoy!