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t1_j2dujg0 wrote

Final Fantasy 8. I popped that disk into my PS1 and was blown away by how amazing the movie looked. Obviously it doesn't hold up anymore, but the whole first time experience is now a core memory.


t1_j2e74pt wrote

When Squall get hit in the face and that blood showed I was like "HOLY SHIT! AWESOME!" its not only my beloved intro but whole game.


t1_j2e4r9s wrote

That whole opening cinematic just blew 9 year old me away.

Replayed it through the other week, and now I'm a 32 year old and have experienced the downs of life I can relate with the grumpiness of squall. He's a much more likeable character now!


t1_j2dynnr wrote

Hey you, you’re finally awake


t1_j2e7j7n wrote

Remember my first time i started playing some random game who my friend bring me and had also no idea what was that. That game was Morrowind. The best TES so far.


t1_j2e2s7z wrote

Wrath of the Lich King, easily.
Hits so much harder if you're familiar with Warcraft 3.


t1_j2dtwyt wrote

StarCraft blew my mind the first time I saw that opening cinematic.

Blizzard had the best cgi back in the day.


t1_j2e3h97 wrote

They were so dark too, watching guys get eaten by Zerg, being abandoned by the imperial battlecruiser and left to die, oh man.


t1_j2e7aee wrote

I dont think they were better than SquarSoft's. But very good for sure.


t1_j2e7lp2 wrote

In the early/mid 90's? yeah, Blizzard definitely had higher quality CGI.


t1_j2dudkf wrote

Parasite Eve on the Playstation. That game went from zero to 100 in 10 seconds flat. Watching an opera full of people spontaneously combust into flames... Very intense and very exciting. One of the best openings to a video game, period.


t1_j2dtxrn wrote

I would say Persona 5 Royals, I loved the visuals and the song and it would always get me hyped up to play the game


t1_j2duw7p wrote

I really like the Doom Eternal opening cinematic. Gets me hyped to lay waste to demons.


t1_j2dxr6s wrote

Don’t quite remember if it was opening but the scene in Shadow of the Tomb Raider where Lara is walking through a Mexican festival. The music, colors, and atmosphere was one of the most impressive I have ever seen in a game.


t1_j2e4tge wrote

Mafia III for me. Obviously the game itself is a bit of a train wreck, but that opening setting cutscene that ends with Lincoln just staring at you with pure hate in his eyes is chilling.

Edit: Mafia Definitive Edition also ruled. The same soaring camera tracking as the original, but in a HD world, looked absolutely fantastic.


t1_j2em15i wrote

WH40K: Dawn of War. That banner will stand, for the Emperor!


t1_j2eqmhv wrote

Something about that intro for Warhammer 40k: Mechanicus always gets me... I can't help but watch it.


t1_j2exvuf wrote

Something about Death Strandings opening has stuck with me to this day


t1_j2f0eju wrote

It's a tie between final fantasy 7, that train just blew my mind. And skyrim.. Waking up in chains going to the chopping block..

Both just.. Blew my mind each time


t1_j2f3b5t wrote

Freespace. It captures perfectly the idea that something unknown is out there and coming for humanity


t1_j2fwtlc wrote

Dark Colony and MW2: Mercenaries are 2 of my favorites.