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Dr4zhar t1_j6mzjr8 wrote

Really? I think they made two expansions free pretty recently then, I remember playing not so many years ago and everything was still capped at lvl 60. I remember I got there with my sith juggernaut way before even hinting at the fact that >!you eventually kill your master. !<

Anyhow, class stories are very nice and the dialogues go from grim dark to utter comedy. I remember this game as another huge wasted occasion for a masterpiece.


Saandrig t1_j6n0e1t wrote

I think they gave F2P access to the first two expansions (Rise of the Hutts, Shadow of Revan) around 3 years ago. And that raised the free players cap to 60. Used to be 50, which was the cap at game launch.