Saandrig t1_j6n0e1t wrote
Reply to comment by Dr4zhar in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
I think they gave F2P access to the first two expansions (Rise of the Hutts, Shadow of Revan) around 3 years ago. And that raised the free players cap to 60. Used to be 50, which was the cap at game launch.
Saandrig t1_j6mut1z wrote
Reply to Is the Xbox controller (specifically the one for the series S/X) really that prone to button problems? by SirRoderic
Been using a Xbox X controller for my PC for about 3 or 4 years now. No issues. It's not in constant use as I like KB/M, but it's not going idle either.
Saandrig t1_j6msjl4 wrote
Reply to comment by VvSoulshroudevV in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
You probably mean KOTOR. The game in this thread is SWTOR.
Saandrig t1_j6mkpop wrote
Reply to comment by morphum in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
Plus a one time subscription gives access to all currently released expansions and the player keeps that access even after the subscription expires and isn't renewed. That's a good amount of extra story if a player wants more after finishing all the F2P content.
Saandrig t1_j6mk4bl wrote
Reply to comment by Dr4zhar in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
If you are into it just for the class stories, you don't need to pay a dime. All classes and the first two expansions are included for free players.
Saandrig t1_j6mjycq wrote
Reply to comment by VvSoulshroudevV in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
The game is literally only available on PC.
Saandrig t1_j6mjwnt wrote
Reply to comment by username161013 in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
Not really true for SWTOR. It doesn't matter there. There are even special story titles if you aren't deep into blue or red.
Goes for the Dragon Age series as well.
Saandrig t1_j6mjo3e wrote
Reply to comment by mcbvr in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
The engine issues can be improved a lot with a x64 client. Currently it's being tested for SWTOR on the game's PTS.
Saandrig t1_j6mjiu3 wrote
Reply to comment by kyleyeats in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
I have never been bothered by others. Unless I slaughtered them in a PvP match and they started butthurt whispers. But it's literally just 1 click to silence them forever.
And any player chat interaction can be disabled in the options to begin with.
Saandrig t1_j6mj9t0 wrote
Reply to comment by A319Pilot in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
There is literally zero grinding required while you play the story. There are more than enough class and planetary arc quests to keep you constantly overleveled. And that's before the multitude of other quests on your path, group content, PvP, etc.
And the game is so easy that you can beat it without ever changing your starting gear. Only time you need to learn to play is if you go into endgame content.
Saandrig t1_j6mio4w wrote
Reply to comment by Stanky_Fangers in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
It's still limited to 1 or 2 cores. They are testing a x64 client, but I think we are at least a year or two away from actually using it.
Saandrig t1_j6mikk6 wrote
Reply to comment by morphum in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
What features of "getting ahead"? The store offers 99% cosmetics.
Some QoL things can be bought for free players, like extra quickbars or endgame gear authorizations (not the gear itself). But they are only needed if a player wants to dive seriously in the raider/PvP multiplayer part (and are all available automatically for subscribers). So at that point a player should just subscribe.
Saandrig t1_j6n9mbg wrote
Reply to comment by BuhamutZeo in I’m considering trying out “The Old Republic” but don’t really have any experience with games like this. Any advice before starting? Should I even try it? by Trevor-On-Reddit
You have enough quickbars as a free player for all the skills you would use. Especially since you are capped at 60 and won't have all abilities anyway.
Those in the shop are extra ones on top of the free. As a subscriber I didn't even use half of the available quickbars you get.