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FrakkingUsername t1_j74zo1b wrote

On cosmic timelines, no. Human timelines, yes! It would slowly bleed away, but if we had the capability to fill a whole atmosphere, we could easily maintain it.


SuperRette t1_j754gn8 wrote

All it takes is for a collapse of society, for that infrastructure to break down and the knowledge lost, for Mars and its life to be doomed. Mars isn't the safety net we want to believe it is.


BIGBIRD1176 t1_j75hw0n wrote

Space sucks, even if we found another planet with the right amount of oxygen and the right temperature, we couldn't eat whats there. We'd have to bring our own food to grow and probably top soil to grow it in

Earth is our best bet, we all individually at some point in our lives accept that nothing lasts forever. Ring worlds or Orbital habitats could work, but then greed cuts in and starts cheaping out on life support systems. Earth is the best bet


rebeltrillionaire t1_j75sqzj wrote

I mean honestly if humans are traveling across the universe for new homes….

We have solved a couple things first:

We can store entire humans on digital mediums that last forever. We can edit humans to be adaptable to a range of environments.

It wouldn’t make sense to truly settle on other planets where things like that haven’t been solved here first. Anyone living on other planets would be more like token adventurers, not humans intent on spreading humanity.


hippoofdoom t1_j788dnx wrote

Of course earth is the best bet no one should argue that.

But it doesn't seem a huge leap to suppose that if there is complex life on other planets that we can eat that it is photosynthetic? Chemistry is the same building blocks right? So if other plant life is converting sunlight to glucose/other sugars and going from there, maybe it would still be digestible?

If anything it's the microbiome of other worlds I'd be most scared of, akin to what the native Americans experienced after several thousand years of relative isolation. Imagine an entire alien planet with whatever pathogens they have that we've never seen,never developed basic treatments for? Yikes.


DaddyCatALSO t1_j75c80p wrote

Of coruse it's not a safety net, it is a possible palce to go, which is itelf vital. Huamns need to ahev soemple else to got ot, it''s part of our nature.,a nd as Earth becoems mor euniform we need new ones


AngryWWIIGrandpa t1_j75gneq wrote

Hopefully they have the medical facilities on Mars to treat strokes like the one you're currently having.