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DigiBruh t1_jap4aih wrote

The biggest scam in history


mandatoryjackson t1_jap87eo wrote

Same reason why people are dropping dead of heart failure left and right.


CustosEcheveria t1_jap968a wrote

Leaving aside the vaccine itself, why is this gif so choppy lol, did you record it on a Nokia?


Murderyoga t1_japbuju wrote

Now the government can use Bluetooth apps to read your mind.


Edmund-Dantes t1_japfjt3 wrote

Does it come with the 6 other shots that we are currently at?


GreyJedi56 t1_japgep6 wrote

Gotta save that evidence for the lawsuits


Vegetable-Bee5164 t1_japt1cj wrote

Yep, our ancestors will crack that open years from now and learn what we really did.


spacepeenuts t1_japwji1 wrote

I prefer the hot dog, the downside is it doesn’t save many lives.


BJ22CS t1_jarrws8 wrote

2021* (it wasn't approved until after 2020).


Railbound1 t1_jazc35n wrote

Just remember this the next time the FDA wants to hide information for 75 years, and a disease breaks out at a business with COVID in itt name.


9fingerwonder t1_jbp9h21 wrote

Nah, break it down as bleakly as needed, they need every one of us wage slaves to prop this all up. Its just like a cattle rancher inoculating the herd, not cause he really cares about the individual, but what the whole represents. Their bottle line.