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Prince_Edward_IV t1_jdivrl2 wrote

if you want people to see your side of a disagreement, maybe dont call them a rapist.

Having strong opinions and being emotional is understandable.

Insulting people who disagree with you is not going to change their mind, its just gonna make them think you're an asshole.


BargainBarnacles t1_jdj6xhy wrote

Will animal abuser do? You don't cut their throat, but you pay to have it done.

That label stick?


Prince_Edward_IV t1_jdjfhfj wrote

Im not telling you what to do, you have the liberty to live your life the way you see fit.

Im just saying that IF YOU WANT people to listen to you, dont call them names like "rapist" or "abuser".

this will only make your audience even less likely to pay your arguments any attention


BargainBarnacles t1_jdlodtp wrote

My argument is 'stop killing animals who don't need to be killed' - that I have to do so makes YOU look bad, not me...


Prince_Edward_IV t1_jdm81s7 wrote

i dont know if youre doing this on purpose but if you stop arguing for 5 fucking seconds and listen to me, im trying to help you

If you want people to join your side and go vegan, you gotta stop with the aggression and name calling and general assholeness

because the only thing you're doing right now is driving folks away.

Do you want people to go vegan? if so, then the way you're going about this is detrimental to your own interests.

it makes no sense

imagine i was trying to convince you to eat fish and my only argument involves calling you a rapist or a murderer

youd be like "wow fuck that guy, fish eaters are dicks"


BargainBarnacles t1_jdmtl7n wrote

Nope. It's an objective fact what I have said. Deal with it. Going 'I'm going to eat MORE meat to spite you' is nothing more than childish ego. I have no obligation to play nice with you.

We play nice, it doesn't work. We play hard - it doesn't work - so fuck it.

Edit: non vegan telling me how to convert meat eaters while not being vegan - makes sense.


Prince_Edward_IV t1_jdo0c4y wrote

youve gotta pick a lane eventually my friend

you either want to ostracize people or you want them to join you, but you cant have it bith ways.

hope you figure it out soon

i wont be responding to any further messages from you because im afraid my words are falling on deaf ears.


Hungry_Bass_Muncher t1_jdiwgkx wrote

Maybe invest in your reading comprehension. It's called a comparison. When I compare apples to oranges, I don't call you an orange.

And I could not care less how you think "mind changing" works. If it did work, you would not even write me a reply lmao. Planting a seed of doubt to carnists is enough for me. How do you think I moved from pro-animal-abuse stance to being disgusted by it?


Prince_Edward_IV t1_jdjh9gs wrote

my reply was intended to change YOUR mind about how to talk to people, it wasnt a rebuttal of your core argument that eating animals is wrong.

actually, i havent even shared my own belief on the matter at all. for all you know at this point, i could be a diehard vegan.

my point was that alienation, insults, aggression and violence towards any demographic is going to breed hate instead of understanding.

I couldn't care less about whether or not you actually convince anyone to become a vegan, i simply was trying to give you advice on how to share your opinions in a way that people will be receptive to.

I see the same things all the time with every other current social hot topic. Prolifers calling Pro choice people monsters. Pro choice calling pro life bigots. Republicans calling dems snowflakes. dems calling republicans racists.

im not here to argue the actual point you want to make, im here to tell you that your method has room for improvement.

again, you dont have to listen to me at all.

but if you DONT WANT people to become vegan, youre on the right track. call people names and insult them and you can be sure theyll continue to reject your beliefs.

but its beginning to seem as though you dont actually care about the topic at hand and are simply looking for confrontation for confrontation's sake. Which is not helpful and not something id like to take part in.

And although i sincerely hope you see at least a little truth in my words, it is for the above reason that i wont be responding to any additional comments you make in this thread.