[deleted] t1_jdm4xjr wrote
[deleted] t1_jdm53mo wrote
pillmore t1_jdm63gu wrote
I thought it was Woody Harrelson
sighbourbon t1_jdmaher wrote
he has the kindest eyes
parkinglotbird t1_jdmc02z wrote
I see this same dude hugging farm animals all over reddit
I don't see PETA ads anymore
They just do this now
If you look at the post history, it's all this shit. Look at that karma boiiii
Swimming_Pack_4084 t1_jdmefv2 wrote
Agree with you
ISpikInglisVeriBest t1_jdmnf7d wrote
He looks like if Woody Harrelson had a baby with Rami Malek
Intermidon t1_jdmxyf9 wrote
Fencius t1_jdn4fvs wrote
They “love” him the same way I love the coffee machine at work. I like what it does for me but it means nothing to me beyond that.
[deleted] t1_jdnbcla wrote
scuricide t1_jdnbdtk wrote
You are correct.
[deleted] t1_jdnkee5 wrote
Atillion t1_jdnnm63 wrote
My older brother was an asshole, and when we were 4 and 7, he told me the red thing under their chin is burning hot like lava as we watched some turkeys in a pen. Freaked me out.
I'm sitting here 40 years later thinking OH NO DON'T LET THEM TOUCH YOU as I watch..
GILDID t1_jdo06we wrote
He'll ya brother, cheers from Iraq.
Tasia528 t1_jdo4dj5 wrote
It’s amazing what gentle care can accomplish. Animals are the bellwether of humanity.
SkyRattlers t1_jdof9du wrote
Nope. Turkeys are shockingly affectionate.
Went to a petting zoo once where they had a turkey who loved getting hugs from any of the guests. We all got a turn hugging it and you could genuinely see the turkey loved it too. The crazy part was that when it was time to go the owner warned us that the turkey was going to pout and cry…and sure enough that crazy bird did. It started making the saddest noises you ever heard and literally turned it back to us and hid in the corner.
RoutinePost7443 t1_jdoqw5g wrote
Joe Hutto lived pretty much as a turkey for a year, learned their talk and all: My Life As Turkey:
rawpower7 t1_jdot8m3 wrote
Graz13 t1_jdou1lu wrote
What happens after Thanksgiving?
amprather t1_jdow6gz wrote
Well if you were trying to kill me, I would be mean too!
haniblecter t1_jdow94u wrote
dont play with your food
WonderWeeble t1_jdp9wzh wrote
Aww, I was hoping for gobbling noises :(
alexbenjaminmorais t1_jdpvjod wrote
I follow him on IG no? He’s got the sweetest cows too right?
Odd_Status_9326 t1_jdqduuq wrote
Everything was fine, they all got along like family. And then Thanksgiving came around.
bumblebee______ t1_jdqk0s1 wrote
Who is he? I want to follow
KatrinaThumbsUpEmoji t1_jducxrh wrote
wtf i had no idea it was the same user
God-Body_11 t1_je2i1o1 wrote
Turkeys are affectionate and charming...make great pets
onebradmutha t1_jdm4gra wrote
Dude looks like an older Tom Brady.