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Ginduo t1_irnim7j wrote

I know of someone that sells this kind of stuff as commissions and she does stupidly well with it


rg1283 t1_irnjr5b wrote

Were the initial outlines in pencil?

Really neat ink work


nah_champa_967 t1_irnpcjn wrote

Ooh I just followed you on IG. I think this is my favorite of your work.


wifespissed t1_irnvu19 wrote

I skate and I know of a plethora of artists that paint decks and grip as a side hustle. One of my buddies says it literally feeds him while he's working on his more important stuff. Hell, I even have boards that I like so much I was like, "Nah, I'm not skating this. This is going on the wall." Then I'm right back to him telling him to paint me another board!


CoyerCo t1_iro08po wrote

And then someone is gonna grind the shit out of it 😭


Wjyndigo t1_iro1q87 wrote

Cool! Tigers are always a win!!


FosterPupz t1_iro3cfo wrote

That’s really beautiful.


B4D-W0LF t1_iro4vxt wrote

Should sell it as a print for a board


rinn10 t1_iro4wz5 wrote

That's an amazing pen / paint pen


MugCookie t1_iro52ax wrote

I love your piece may I ask how many years of drawing it took you to reach this lvl?


susara86 t1_iroa1jj wrote

Could you share what marker are you using? Looks nice and detailed


rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iroaof8 wrote

Thanks! It’s hard to say because it’s been really on and off. I used to draw a ton in high school but I would only do realistic art. Then in college I didn’t have time to do that kind of art but I doodled all the time in my notes and that style is the same as what I do now (wavy lines, patterns, geometric art, etc). I started taking it more seriously 3 years ago but took a 1.5 year break during covid lol and now just starting again!


Swinginjoe34 t1_irovd7m wrote

Damn that looks good, and I can only visualize colors for it looking like a Lisa Frank picture


coreyb96 t1_irp26gq wrote

How do you prevent the Molotow ink from bleeding in the wood grain?


explosivemilk t1_irp4b1w wrote

Would love to get a space themed deck.


arcadia_2005 t1_irpoy2h wrote

Oh thats beautiful work... unfortunately, my daughter would cover it all up with stickers.


shangula t1_irpu1ly wrote

$Grand a day as a tattoo artist is in your future.


DeadlyPancak3 t1_irrs0o7 wrote

That's absolutely sick. Please update us when it's complete.