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Larry_Phischman t1_iuae108 wrote

I donโ€™t care as long as Iโ€™m near my hooman.


Idealpro t1_iuaxl8t wrote

One of my cats would 100% be that way. Some cats are surprisingly loyal, they just have different perimeters than dogs, and difference nuances. My lil guy hates water (as most cats) but if I'm in a bath, he's gonna save me by getting in with me and causing a fuss till I get out. And man does he meow like its the end of the world for both of us, but he's gonna save me! (Note: He does not get bathed, so its really not natural for him). He also HATES it when I go anywhere without him, and the second I'm back he's meowing like there's no tomorrow (with some seriously aggressive head bumps, and rubs - as if to say "You jerk, now I have to mark you all over again. Don't go away! ).


DirtOnYourShirt t1_iubgj14 wrote

I don't know how mine would like deep water but she loves the after shower wetness. She'll meow like crazy until I get out and she can hop in.