
Larry_Phischman t1_j25vrtz wrote

There’s less than a 1% chance that it will go supernova in the next century. About a 10% chance that it will go off in the next 10,000 years. And it’s almost certain that it will explode in the next 200,000 years. We can’t see what is going on in it’s interior, or what stage of its fusion cycle it’s in. It’s probably still fusing hydrogen or maybe helium.


Larry_Phischman t1_isaucaw wrote

Embryos are more durable and do not have differentiated tissues. They’re just clumps of stem cells. Adult humans have differentiated body tissues.

Another reason is that embryos are very small and will freeze so fast that the water in their undifferentiated cells does not have time to crystallize.

Adult humans have too much thermal mass, and will have ice crystals form everywhere. That destroys the cells and tissues.


Larry_Phischman t1_irw4d6a wrote

Or just install fume hoods over cattle barns. A funnel shaped roof with an aperture at the center. Apply a small negative pressure (suction), and collect all the free methane. Sell it for extra income. You can also process manure in bio reactors to extract even more methane. Then either use the depleted manure as fertilizer or burn it in plasma gasifiers, which produce syngas. It’s free money!