Sagebrush_Slim t1_iuyq3qe wrote
A directory needs to exist where a person could hire this sort of work out. Damn nifty.
dreadperson t1_iuzw58a wrote
a "small" mural in drawing dicks on tables
stickyrain t1_iv02d5g wrote
If you’re wondering “why the doodles?” at the start they’re used in place of a grid.
jukebox303 t1_iv034lx wrote
What was the inspiration to do this with such runny paint?
nilsrva OP t1_iv03d2z wrote
There are several, but imo above a certain skill level one doesnt really work with such groups as the talent pool is low. For higher level stuff its generally through the artist directly (this is how I do it) or via some high-end agencies which I have tended to avoid
nilsrva OP t1_iv03ewe wrote
Most of my work is at least 20’ and up to 150’ - so when you work mainly in large walls this is a small one
jesusonice t1_iv0be64 wrote
Very well done. Not a fan of the runny paint after seeing it start to finish but if I walked up on it I'd probably enjoy that aspect of it.
you_made_me_drink t1_iv0l1yb wrote
It’s a very effective one then
tramad2652 t1_iv0mdbi wrote
OP, can you tell us about this piece?
HouseCravenRaw t1_iv0prj2 wrote
I'd like it to hold on the final finished product for more than a picosecond. I think I blinked.
PunkNDisorderlyGamer t1_iv0zyff wrote
Oh I thought the boss just let his kids scribble on the walls on “bring your kids to work” day.
[deleted] t1_iv100ho wrote
secretMichaelScarn t1_iv109j7 wrote
Oh my goddd you are so full of yourself 😂
Herpderpxee t1_iv12z9c wrote
Are you... Too dumb to understand that the drips are purposeful?
BigEggPerson t1_iv1mp5m wrote
That's nice and all, but what are advantages of this method compared to a square grid? I kinda don't get it 😅
sam0wise t1_iv1ryuq wrote
I think it’s quicker to work with. A square grid takes more time to create evenly and then you have to count the segments when you could just see that you draw the eye by this blob.
nilsrva OP t1_iv1ugbh wrote
On a larger scale its easy to get lost in squares
nilsrva OP t1_iv1uw67 wrote
Size is relative. Compared to the average size wall I work on this is small. Thats just fact. I did not say it was better or worse.
drekwithoutpolitics t1_iv20qwa wrote
What do you mean? They know six muralists in Lexington, Kentucky. They know what they’re talking about. Idiot.
Seriously though, yeah it seems so.
Charlie_Im_Pregnant t1_iv2kxpa wrote
This guy could give Tracey Fleab a run for her money.
Zerowantuthri t1_iv6m4mh wrote
I came here to ask about this and there it is already. Sometimes Reddit delivers. Thanks!
Global_Kako t1_ivsvsri wrote
Such a beautiful work of art, OP!
spacekadette814 t1_iuyjme9 wrote
Stunning! This is a lot for “small”.