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Solid_Snark t1_iw9xy5k wrote

Literally how 90% of “haunted” places stories begin: ”You don’t understand! I was alone, wrapping up the job when someone grabbed my shirt, I turned around and no one was there!”


IFuckingHateAllergy t1_iwa6381 wrote

The remaining 10% is real.


SamuraiSuplex t1_iwa8kzy wrote

The other 10% is someone pulling pranks. There are no real hauntings 😂


nav17 t1_iwam7j1 wrote

That's exactly what a ghost would say!


eGregiousLee t1_iwarg3q wrote

I feel like that’s the next Ghostbusters movie right there. Told from the ghosts’ point of view. Like Men In Black only instead of aliens hiding in plain sight it’s ghosts. They have a bureau that prevents humans from capturing them. Like spies.


Gaothaire t1_iwasb5g wrote

If you went to a person living on the equator a couple centuries ago and told them that there was a land perpetually covered in snow and ice, they never would have believed it because it didn't exist in their experience. Just because your cultural framework is too rigid to allow for hauntings doesn't mean they don't exist.

Something as simple as Jungian psychotherapy allows you to interface with the ghosts of your ancestral trauma in a way Western reductionist materialists wouldn't believe, just because they never took the time to explore it, they prefer to let their mind be an unknowable black box.


Febra0001 t1_iwatr3b wrote

“Cultural Framework” lmao

Remind me when science discovers ghosts. Until then, no thanks


moonra_zk t1_iwavdff wrote

Keep that nonsense in that stoner philosophy sub, please.


Affectionate-Pea282B t1_iwavgxd wrote

Seek help


Gaothaire t1_iwccmig wrote

You don't believe in psychotherapy, so what healing modality would you suggest for help?


Affectionate-Pea282B t1_iwccrku wrote

The fuck are you talking about you idiot


Gaothaire t1_iwdfy04 wrote

Therapeutically, naming parts of your interior dialogue as a way to disidentify them from your Self is explicit praxis.

You told me to seek help, but clearly you don't believe in something so woo as therapy, so I'm asking what in your personal opinion would be a good path forward. Obviously, you live a largely unexamined life, so I don't expect you to have any useful input, but thought you might say something interesting. My mistake.


Affectionate-Pea282B t1_iwdxvuj wrote

Where the fuck did you pull I “clearly don’t believe in therapy” out of? I have a therapist myself you fucking idiot


Gaothaire t1_iwfluba wrote

Yeah, I don't think it's working, you seem really stressed. Maybe you should look into another healing modality, there's great work being done in somatics, using your body to release traumas and live a happier life

My initial comment pointed to therapy, and you told me to "seek help" (your words). If I'm seeking help for insights from psychotherapy, you obviously don't think those insights are valid. Or you're just too ignorant to understand what you're saying, which seems likely.


[deleted] t1_iwg1ksz wrote



rathat t1_iwato6s wrote

You’d be surprised how many people truly think they had an experience with a ghost. Like they never even considered any other explanation. I’d more more likely to believe some alien came down from space to fuck with me specifically before I’d believe it was a ghost.


Zomburai t1_iwb3jw7 wrote

I had a coworker whose big proof the resort house she stayed in was haunted was that the towel she'd hung on the chair fell off.

Apparently ghosts were a simpler explanation than gravity


BMonad t1_iwbz83z wrote

Also, what a lame ghost. It can interact with physical objects in this world, and all it chooses to do is knock a towel off a chair? Step your ghost game up.


DamnAutocorrection t1_iwdi1iu wrote

So many people I know in real life who have paranormal experiences all occur when they were in bed getting ready to sleep.

I think 90% of ghost stories can be explained by sleep paralysis, shit feel incredibly real


rathat t1_iwebszh wrote

YES! I’ve said it before on Reddit too, sleep paralysis is also the explanation for alien abduction stories. I have had sleep paralysis myself, and it’s exactly like people describe alien abductions. I know I used aliens coming to earth as an example of something more likely to happen than ghosts, but its second to ghosts lol, I love the idea of aliens, but it’s never really aliens.


Rokketeer t1_iwagi1w wrote

The 10% is what matters so that the producers can say it’s based on a real story


TravelinDan88 t1_iwd6fno wrote

People can form their own opinions of Ghost Adventures but there have been a few times that Zak, Aaron, or someone else on the crew gets the everloving shit scared out of them by dangling wires, automatic air fresheners, etc. It's hilarious.