Shrek_the_dank_ t1_ixbf54e wrote
gta 5’s graphics look better than i remember
Charger23us t1_ixbffvx wrote
convention center is huge.
FrozenVikings t1_ixbgoxw wrote
Hey put your seatbelt back on
Indy_Potholes t1_ixbkn5x wrote
platasnatch t1_ixbkw9y wrote
Ahem, Maze Bank Arena
Not_as_witty_as_u t1_ixbmi9p wrote
YewSonOfBeach t1_ixbmvpd wrote
That's what she said.
Parkimedes t1_ixbpqur wrote
Ahem, center.
Although I doubt that holds up much longer. I hope it doesn’t.
SilkCortex44 t1_ixbpze8 wrote
Nice smog
dandroid126 t1_ixbqgq0 wrote
They gotta hold all those sweaty weebs every 4th of July weekend.
My wife is one of those sweaty weebs every year.
sharkboy450 t1_ixbr2w2 wrote
Same! Join the club: r/buttcoin
cinemachick t1_ixbrivd wrote
You found the one part of LA that actually has skyscrapers, most of LA is relatively flat besides the mountains XD
krazyjakee t1_ixbsjze wrote
Looks like a muddy sandpit
Ah_Q t1_ixbskrc wrote
Actually it is very cool and enjoyable
downwarddawg t1_ixbslrc wrote
Two parts, Century City and downtown.
Ah_Q t1_ixbslu1 wrote
You mean downtown? Not exactly hard to find.
knox902 t1_ixbt0ne wrote
Yeah the realism mods are usually excessive puddles. This is incredible.
oO0tooth_fairy0Oo t1_ixbtofk wrote
What?! No LA smog? Thanks Obama.
Ok-disaster2022 t1_ixbu47t wrote
I like the views of skyscrapers. Views of urban sprawl are fascinatingly disgusting.
drumsareneat t1_ixbw07j wrote
"besides the mountains"
stephen1547 t1_ixbx68s wrote
Yeah… don’t do an 80° bank in a Robinson. Or most helicopters actually.
Edit - Let's call it 65°
DocPeacock t1_ixbxgq4 wrote
Where's Nakatomi Plaza?
ross-geller t1_ixbxnn1 wrote
Is this Fred North? I occasionally see him doing these kinds of stuff.
shockwave1211 t1_ixbxyha wrote
me too! it's a great time when it's not 100 outside, this year we were blessed with only 80 degree highs
in_n_out_sucks t1_ixbz72h wrote
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_ixc0fjv wrote
That late in the day, it’s probably moving a good 30 miles per hour. A few hours earlier and they’d just be parked.
ReillyDiefenbach t1_ixc23en wrote
Is Detective Vincent Hannah riding shotgun?
dustfirecentury t1_ixc355x wrote
Nice try MSFS, nice try.
[deleted] t1_ixc3h68 wrote
[deleted] t1_ixc6ra8 wrote
5t3v3nk3 t1_ixc7ndh wrote
ninadpathak t1_ixc82bh wrote
I'm from India and couldn't figure out what you were pointing out as traffic 😅
HervPrometheus t1_ixc98ev wrote
Where are you going to aim for a forced landing in case of engine failure?
Jaqen___Hghar t1_ixc99gk wrote
Something something something scum and villainy...
TheRealASP t1_ixcb76n wrote
had Weezer-Island In The Sun playing as i came across this post. it was very nice :)
paperscissorscovid t1_ixcc8wb wrote
Can confirm. Drove from redondo to the IE at like 3pm yesterday. 1h or so drive took just under 3 lol
emmettiow t1_ixcdi05 wrote
You need a new graphics card. Set the drawdistance to max 😉
ThePrussianGrippe t1_ixcdjg7 wrote
Pffft, that was only like 70°. Piece of cake. /s
emmettiow t1_ixcdn35 wrote
Had a cutscene the other day. It was raining, then in the cutscene it was sunny, but the floods were still on the ground with the raindrop sprites. Such a confusing day.
emmettiow t1_ixcdqlj wrote
If you do, make sure it's at 200' over a built up area with no landing options for extra fun factor.
LanceOhio t1_ixcg0id wrote
Must agree on this
ryry_reddit t1_ixcgta5 wrote
alaskafish t1_ixcgxcl wrote
Pilot here.
Guarantee that’s not even close to an 80° bank. It looks that way because the camera being held is probably co-seat’s phone.
Secondly, you can do an 80° bank. FAA says it’s completely fine, though 60° is better for beginners to learn.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to get at, perhaps Reddit fear mongering. Airplanes and helicopters are designed to go through a lot worse.
thisoldmould t1_ixchyt5 wrote
It always amazes me how relatively small LA’s skyline is.
PolymerSledge t1_ixci5m9 wrote
Amazing video of a hellscape.
fuzzyrobebiscuits t1_ixcipjv wrote
Grew up 1.5 hours north of there, so we'd have to go now and then for big things. The only time I ever went to the skyscraper part was for surgery. It's all offices, not housing. So even though lots of people work in them they all have to drive there. From said sprawl.
Jesus_Hong t1_ixcj8cd wrote
Yup. I fly in R44s for some of my work and our pilots regularly bank like that lol. She'll be fiiiiine. It ain't even close to 80°
NewAccount4Friday t1_ixcjm0z wrote
It must be during the lockdown.
housebottle t1_ixckll5 wrote
are you allowed to fly over the city like that if you have a licence?
caesar_rex t1_ixcldn8 wrote
They say the fuckin smog is the fuckin reason you got such beautiful fuckin sunsets...
aaandbconsulting t1_ixclev8 wrote
Unreal engine 5 looks legit!
10-2is7plus1 t1_ixclsyk wrote
Is this Microsoft flight sim? Its crazy how we now have games that are so detailed that its hard to tell if its real or a computer game.
Sin_of_the_Dark t1_ixcm1ek wrote
Oh no, I hear an incoming MK2, better bail
RandomRageNet t1_ixco1b5 wrote
They say the fuckin smog is the fuckin reason you have such beautiful fuckin sunsets.
farble1670 t1_ixco4rl wrote
The only way to appreciate LA is from a height where you can't make out the acres of tent cities.
krombopulousnathan t1_ixcptk3 wrote
Probably the ground
EsotericAbstractIdea t1_ixcpv07 wrote
The river. It doesn’t have water so it’s just smooth concrete
vigtel t1_ixcq3uq wrote
sebeachy t1_ixcr40w wrote
Bill Burr?
MicPanther t1_ixcra0x wrote
Isn't that the sunrise in LA?
HauserAspen t1_ixctakf wrote
Possible low-gee situation in a Robinson. Not something for a noob.
parochial_nimrod t1_ixctb84 wrote
Had me until he rolled the helicopter knife edge.
alaskafish t1_ixctve9 wrote
Yes and no. It depends on clearance. For instance you can fly freely without squawking over the Hudson River right alongside the Manhattan skyline. There are routes where you have to get clearance for prior. I’m assuming this pilot is one of many who fly VIPs around LA, since that’s a place full of that
alaskafish t1_ixcugys wrote
Thanks for the input, but why are people assuming the pilot is a noob?
Bunch_of_Shit t1_ixcurum wrote
They made gta irl. Can you believe it
BJaacmoens t1_ixcvdqm wrote
Never downvote a Die Hard quote, people.
JoshDigi t1_ixcvwh8 wrote
Helicopters are outstandingly loud and annoying
S7evyn t1_ixcxoct wrote
Yeah. LA is such an ugly city.
There's a line in The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy about it looking like it's made of of junk mail, and I never fully appreciated what that meant until now.
OMGWTFBBQUE t1_ixcyaor wrote
There are some lining Wilshire!
Cuclean t1_ixd0lf5 wrote
I know! What are they like?
Toby_go_away t1_ixd34ou wrote
Best to stay 500ft in the air to avoid the robberies, defecation and drug use on every LA corner. Keep voting democrat and the dystopian policies will continue. Release criminals from prison. What could go wrong!
pikachu_tail t1_ixd46qb wrote
How much ?
pikachu_tail t1_ixd4b0v wrote
Can't agree more
[deleted] t1_ixd4huv wrote
stephen1547 t1_ixd6hww wrote
I’m also a pilot.
In fact I’m a commercial helicopter pilot holding an ATPL license. I'm adjusting my observation to be a 65° turn. Had a better look at the video on my computer vs my phone, and I can see the ADI go past the 60° white mark while still turning a bit more as it goes out of view.
A turn this steep can be dangerous due so the high G-loading of the disc, as well as the risk of getting into a low-g situation and inducing mast-bumping.
Doing aerodynamic moves in a two-bladed teetering hinge rotor system like the Robby is always a great way to get killed. Although 65 degrees is substantially less dumb than the 80 as I originally stated.
stephen1547 t1_ixd73yz wrote
If you are working in an R44 and your pilot is doing greater than 80° turns with passengers on board, they are frankly an idiot, and this is coming from another helicopter pilot. If I did that even on a bush utility job with passengers and my chief pilot found out I would be in some shit.
Have a look at the attitude indicator next time. My guess is that you aren’t actually baking that hard. A quickly inducted 45° turn can feel very strep. The guy in this video was doing around 75-80 (look at the attitude indicator).
xxTheseGoTo11xx t1_ixd9a4n wrote
I just did this on a helicopter tour of Kauai, the Hawaiian island Jurassic Park was filmed at, and I highly recommend it. A smartphone even takes solid footage from it, so it's very doable.
Jesus_Hong t1_ixd9d8h wrote
That isn't an 80° bank, my guy lol. That's maybe 45, 50. Our pilots are younger, but they are good. I pinky promise.
Though you're right, we don't bank harder than THIS clip, but we do bank hard for specific reasons (e.g. lidar stuff), albeit with minimal payload
Fun_Sized_Momo t1_ixd9ert wrote
This gave the red hot chili peppers a hardon after watching.
TheEvilBunnyLord t1_ixd9pwj wrote
Outstandingly terrible, right.
From the angle of "photography," to what they recorded with a vehicle that was only developed because military money paid for it.
Yes. This is an OUTSTANDING waste of space, and resources. All around. I'm truly disgusted. I hate this world, and all who enjoy. This. This isn't good. This is bad guys.
Eta: anyone who thinks THIS is the peak of society is sadly mistaken, and I can't help you. Downvote me all you fucking want, this is NOT good.
smkeybare t1_ixdardy wrote
Go away Toby, your drunk.
stephen1547 t1_ixdbkrr wrote
I do want to change my observation. It looks like he is only at about 65* or so degrees. Have a look at the ADI. The last white line is the 60* and he goes past that. Still too aggressive for normal flying around a city.
Nothing wrong with baking 45-50 degrees for utility/production stuff if you need to get the job done efficiently. But I highly doubt you guys are doing greater than 60* turns. Have a peak next time and see. My guess is they cap it around 45 degrees.
stephen1547 t1_ixdbnto wrote
Because he is flying a Robinson.
stephen1547 t1_ixdc9p8 wrote
You sound fun.
Jesus_Hong t1_ixdhogb wrote
No, I'd agree to that. We likely don't go much over 50, 55 tops in sharp turns. R44s are little airborne tractors, so anything excessive will make you pucker up pretty hard.
It's hard to tell from this one. Maybe aggressive for a civvy flight, but 🤷♂️
cinemachick t1_ixdi1r2 wrote
I didn't want to make it too wordy, I meant "most of the buildings/housing are only 1-2 floors high"
[deleted] t1_ixdld3g wrote
zebrahdh t1_ixdm1gt wrote
It’s mods and an amazing graphics card set up.
lostinlucidity t1_ixdm1qx wrote
Clear skies ahead, Mr. Yu.
DEFINITELY_NOT_PETE t1_ixdn7x3 wrote
Lol idc how nice this view is DTLA will never not be the grossest worst part of LA.
There is a reason everyone with money lives in the burbs and nobody has swanky down town apartments like every other city in the country
Global_Werewolf2225 t1_ixdw2d6 wrote
5000th upvote is on me ...damn that's beautiful view
WhatEVERyo87 t1_ixe03is wrote
I've always thought the same thing. It's such a big city by population. But a lot of those cities out west have so many people because they cover such big areas compared to the east coast. Basically I've come to associate big populations with big skylines lol
TheEvilBunnyLord t1_ixe6vvf wrote
I would hope I just sound sad and irritated, but sure. Be sarcastic about an obvious problem. Humanity is so fucked it's not even funny.
assassbaby t1_ixeael3 wrote
im expecting this song to be on que every time
CorrosiveBackspin t1_ixeaqmv wrote
Doesn't matter how high you fly, you can still smell the encampments
jonnyringo602 t1_ixeeh23 wrote
Damn I was just going to comment this haha
starserval t1_ixeiuto wrote
This looks like the opening to an 80s sitcom.
sw1nky t1_ixel7tf wrote
You are exactly the type of person no one wants to talk to at parties
TheEvilBunnyLord t1_ixen2ya wrote
You might not be wrong, friend, but only when I get on a kick like this. Other times I show my bewbs.
gazongagizmo t1_ixesrml wrote
> Have a look at the attitude indicator next time.
Not with that altitude, young man!
Clovadaddy t1_ixesv8t wrote
Man Xbox looks like such shit lately compared to this
slipperyzoo t1_ixf0lm2 wrote
I was blown away by how unimpressive LA's skyline was when I was there last month. It felt like Philly or Charlotte. Or Boston. Not even Boston. And the smog was unreal. Nice video though.
Mistapeepers t1_ixf99d0 wrote
Man these GTA V graphics really pop on current gen consoles.
betterpinoza t1_ixfa3ha wrote
Near the airport, which is 45 minutes or more from downtown
betterpinoza t1_ixfa72b wrote
LA hasn't had bad smog in so long. When I was a kid in the 90s and early 2000s I remember it, but it's cleared up substantially since then
betterpinoza t1_ixfab43 wrote
People literally do have swanky downtown apartments in dtla lmao.
Amphissa t1_ixfcedp wrote
Two reasons, buildings were kept low due to earthquake threats. Then, as technology progressed to the point that the tall buildings roll during earthquakes, they became more common, Second, part of the skyline is left open so that the LA City Hall can be seen from a distance, the 10 Freeway for example. Anyone can visit the City Hall and it's worth the view and art deco appearance.
DEFINITELY_NOT_PETE t1_ixfebj3 wrote
Of course they exist but dtla is still a legendary shithole
WhatEVERyo87 t1_ixff299 wrote
Very interesting, thanks.
andrewharlan2 t1_ixflelr wrote
I love LA
toxicnapkin t1_ixfpg3v wrote
move to mars
YN90 t1_ixg0oel wrote
I do short story / documentary. I’d really like to have a nice camera set up, but that does sound lovely.
fucktrutin t1_ixb8dcl wrote