mtomsky OP t1_ixn9tp7 wrote
Yeah they're pretty chill
Danny_Mc_71 t1_ixn9bzc wrote
This is great! π
mtomsky OP t1_ixn9dqq wrote
Thank you!
Danny_Mc_71 t1_ixnapxw wrote
Just had a look at your other posts!
Fantastic work. I love your style.
mtomsky OP t1_ixn9q2w wrote
Turns out that the skeleton in my closet is just chilling with a cup of tea. Made from laser cut, stained plywood and tiny brass hinges and door knobs.
3PercentBatteryLeft t1_ixnf7yb wrote
Thatβs great! And adorable for some reason
mtomsky OP t1_ixngjqi wrote
Thank you!
SunshineAlways t1_ixo6w0k wrote
Cozy, somehow.
cdnintx t1_ixnxqpg wrote
Do you sell these? Maybe an etsy? Iβd love to have one!
winnipeggremlin t1_ixp6csl wrote
Wow! I love your style. You're very talented, adore the brush with teeth skelly
Alavaster t1_ixp6hgn wrote
Man I want one but even with my disposable income thats too steep for me to manage
thedivinemonkey298 t1_ixp0e9z wrote
Wow. That is some impressive stuff. Makes me want to try it.
cdnintx t1_ixsv8fl wrote
Do you ship to the usa? Iβd love to buy some christmas gifts!
mtomsky OP t1_ixsx4i8 wrote
Yep, I can ship worldwide.
Retrac752 t1_ixnrnbx wrote
My toddlers sleep in the same room as me
Late at night I hide in my closet and sit on the floor and eat snacks, so I relate to this skeleton a lot
mtomsky OP t1_ixnt06x wrote
Haha I love it
deeannbee t1_ixnfikd wrote
Itβs 2022, Mister Skeleton, you donβt have to stay in the closet, anymore!
takeahike89 t1_ixnm43s wrote
He lives in Qatar
BaconIsAVeg2 t1_ixpov1k wrote
No one tells Tom Cruise what to do!
dcherholdt t1_ixpa8rs wrote
Love it! You can definitely sell these.
kthulhu666 t1_ixne2kb wrote
"Room for one more..."
freya_kahlo t1_ixn9wpc wrote
Gorgeous work!
mtomsky OP t1_ixn9ztz wrote
ithaqua34 t1_ixnah4x wrote
So if that's the Witch, where's the lion?
mtomsky OP t1_ixnd7sy wrote
Prancing around narnia methinks
ilikerosiepugs t1_ixnwdft wrote
I love that heβs drinking a cuppa tea and has a teapot+more cups for company! Iβd totally join them! Great work OP!!!!
mtomsky OP t1_ixo42ik wrote
Thank you!
[deleted] t1_ixobs74 wrote
Far_Sheepherder_6944 t1_ixoqwlp wrote
Thatβs so cool. I love the little mice!
aLauraElaine t1_ixouv6j wrote
Drinking tea! β€οΈ
Particular_Page_1317 t1_ixoznhd wrote
That's awesome.
4leggedsteamboat t1_ixp29vk wrote
That gave me a severe case of the jibbilies.
d3athpr0xy t1_ixp3pgp wrote
That's so cute
winnipeggremlin t1_ixp66o8 wrote
Why is this so cute? I love it! I wish my skeletons were like this skeletonπ¦΄π©»
kmarinouofm t1_ixp6s9m wrote
You are extremely talented and I love this
larrythefatcat t1_ixp6yep wrote
I will scream or sulk and pout
Until my poor skeleton steps out
Step out, step out, step out, step out
DisasterWolf76 t1_ixpenio wrote
What's their name and what kind of tea would they recommend?
mtomsky OP t1_ixphdri wrote
Their name is their own but the tea is definitely English Breakfast tea
cyankitten t1_ixpewmc wrote
Legendary π
cameron4200 t1_ixpjsez wrote
Adventure time vibes.
BlinkBuster t1_ixpmt2a wrote
I like that a buncha bunch
uttermybiscuit t1_ixpnd01 wrote
Sablesgirl t1_ixpnfg9 wrote
Brilliant! I love it!
pauldeanbumgarner t1_ixppa94 wrote
Adorable! Made me think it was a jigsaw puzzle for a second there.
Captain_Pungent t1_ixpplkt wrote
Gives me Funnybones vibes
Megustatits t1_ixr3je5 wrote
Love this. It reminds me of Over the Garden Wall
mtomsky OP t1_ixr3wqf wrote
Thanks, I love over the garden wall!
lynivvinyl t1_ixnfy2g wrote
I'll take Unusual Dartboards for $300 please Alex.
Sfumatographer t1_ixnnmrp wrote
Oh well I have several of those only not that pretty
BeeExpert t1_ixnsgs8 wrote
Absolutely delightful and oddly relatable
mtomsky OP t1_ixnt0zq wrote
Decman74 t1_ixnu5i6 wrote
I'm dead!
BlackHelm t1_ixnudy6 wrote
So cute! Would love this as a kit.
Mumof3gbb t1_ixnw1da wrote
This is really cool
[deleted] t1_ixnzecz wrote
SpectralMagic t1_ixo3eks wrote
Scare away the moths ββ (β Β΄β γΌβ ο½β )β β
MadameHyde13 t1_ixo3m7a wrote
Iβm delighted by his little teacup
Mr_OP_Potato_777 t1_ixokamp wrote
A spooky scary skeleton, too late for spooktober but who cares.
TerraSollus t1_ixoq8lp wrote
Grimm Fandango
[deleted] t1_ixotjln wrote
You should share this to r/woodworking
taklbox t1_ixoz7ev wrote
[deleted] t1_ixp304n wrote
Please tell me you're joking. There is zero craftsmanship involved here. You would pay for a "master" class for someone to teach you how to press a button on a computer to have another machine do all the work?
KamovInOnUp t1_ixp52xw wrote
Do you think a computer generated the original artwork and design files automatically?
[deleted] t1_ixqhrvp wrote
Do you think you can't find already existing images on the internet and pose them as your own creations?
KamovInOnUp t1_ixqx6bu wrote
Can you prove that's what happened here?
Madwoman-of-Chaillot t1_ixpdqv4 wrote
Oooh! Do you sell?
ttubehtnitahwtahw1 t1_ixpga36 wrote
Alright getting bored of this spam.
divs27 t1_ixppywd wrote
hig789 t1_ixpub95 wrote
You should do a Stealie for the head next time. Heavy Dead vibes with this. Awesome work.
Shadd76 t1_ixq8eiu wrote
Insert Harry Potter or Narnia joke here
saacadelic t1_ixqb060 wrote
You should make another, w skeletons on the outside
BeesForDays t1_ixqcib9 wrote
But it's a wardrobe...
falloutvaultboy t1_ixqltkt wrote
This is awesome, however I totally expected it to have sometime of "pop and fold out" action based on the layered style
Alien_Cupcakes t1_ixnft3y wrote
Great work, these would sell.
spunkenhimer t1_ixoqb0j wrote
Do you sell this?
chrisleesalmon t1_ixotyuv wrote
Bought your watermelon piece awhile ago, and now Iβm making it my mission to put up all your pieces around my house (finances pending of course)
mtomsky OP t1_ixph47p wrote
Thank you, I'm glad it's serving you well!
ISniggledABit t1_ixov6y7 wrote
Where can I buy this!?
[deleted] t1_ixnbn39 wrote
Splattacus t1_ixnezlt wrote
SnowConePeople t1_ixn9kyg wrote
Your skeleton looks much easier to explain to a therapist than mine.