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NOT000 t1_iz36epo wrote

took 2 watches b4 i noticed the rope


jetjordan t1_iz39ke2 wrote

Not about timing so much as creating the illusion of impact and the halting of momentum.

Source: worked closely with stuntmen for years. Fun fact, they HATED doing this.


D1ddyKon9 t1_iz3a07j wrote

Why do they hate it? It looks terrible to me but most stunts look terrible to me. What makes this in particular horrible compared to, say, a building jump?


black_nappa t1_iz3aya4 wrote

Not a stunt man or anything but I imagine jumping into a soft inflated airbag is far nicer on the body, then running at full speed with a length of rope tied to your back.


farrenkm t1_iz3dhwz wrote

Mythbusters visited Portland, Oregon in 2012. I got up on stage with Adam and Jamie, and about 7 others all together. It was the start of the show. They were talking about science and hypotheses and such. Six of us got into a tug-of-war with Jamie. He wasn't breaking a sweat while all of us struggled against him. Eventually, we gave up.

Moral of the story was to always challenge your assumptions. His side of the rope was tied down to the floor.


Prinzka t1_iz3i75u wrote

Brain damage can be caused by anything that makes your brain hit the skull.
That definitely looks violent enough for it to have an impact.
It's like tackling someone in the NFL without hitting the head can still cause mini concussions.


Ok-Cartographer-3725 t1_iz3j1e9 wrote

That looks horrendous either way... I'd just go digital and save the actual human.


johnboy2978 t1_iz3ltah wrote

When that bitch understudy gives you an extra foot.


JpnDude t1_iz3umn7 wrote

I say it's perfect timing by the guy swinging the stick. "All" the runner had to do was run and fall with the pull-back being done by the rope.


Pinco_Pallino_R t1_iz43xi1 wrote

Building jump -> You land on a soft airbag which heavily cushion the impact.

This -> At some point your speed is forcibly reduced to 0 in an instant, much faster than what happen in the former case

And since F = dq/dt, you understand that the faster you reduce your momentum (q) to 0, the stronger the impact on your body.


Zuli_Muli t1_iz4hqt1 wrote

The worst part is thinking this would happen at all, even if you rag dolled it the person taking the hit would fall far out of frame. In order to level a person running like that the object would need to have way more mass than a pipe/baseball bat.


jetjordan t1_iz4hxvz wrote

I think honestly it just hurts. That and if done correctly you dont really know when it's coming. We had a dead man and a stair roll one day and our guys joking fought over the stair roll.


PlanetLandon t1_iz4t1p6 wrote

It’s still ridiculous that the Oscars don’t have stunt categories.


utkua t1_iz4thg1 wrote

This is just injury that you will find out later in life. There must be g limits in this profession, it is not much different than hitting a wall in your brain's perspective.


TheDivaDanielle t1_iz4wcwg wrote

I watch stunt people on the Corridor Crew channel all the time, and they're just amazing people that really have created an amazing craft. How they've learned to nearly fully mitigate any injuries with mat work and knowing the right way to always land to fully soften the landing but somehow make it look really impactful is just amazing to me.


TripleJeopardy3 t1_iz50mg3 wrote

There's another angle of this stunt that shows the stick doesn't even come close to hitting her. The two views are supposed to go together to show how this type of stunt works, that it's the rope combined with camera angles, so the performer is not in danger of getting hit.


eyekill11 t1_iz536l1 wrote

It hurts and potentially damaging. Linda Blair from The Exorcist when she was violently thrashing in her bed was done via rope pull. Supposedly it was rough enough to break her spine which later developed into scoliosis. Ellen Burstyn the mom in The Exorcist had it done to her as well. Here's a clip of her talking about when she got pulled.


The_Parsee_Man t1_iz53f5y wrote

This is one of the odder variations of the paddle ball on string toy I've seen.


eatingdirt t1_iz54lgt wrote

It’s called a “Deadman”. A cable or rope is attached to the performer, and tied off to a solid pic-point. If the stunt rigger didn’t put a “zip”, or a bungee at the pic point to take the bite off, yes, it really sucks. Go full speed to a Dead Stop really jolts the body. Btw, on the day of filming, she won’t be going to the pad, she’ll be going to the ground, no pads. I hope this explains the Deadman”.


Miffers t1_iz569tj wrote

That doesn’t look so healthy and safe. The concern would be the instant deceleration exerted on her head, neck, spine.


waywardzombi t1_iz5ggx3 wrote

As a child I used to have a leash in the house. Long story, but my grandmother would watch me most days and couldn’t keep up, so the solution to wrangle me was a leash.

Over time, I learned the boundaries of the leash, and would run right up to it and stop, just like a dog.

One day, my uncle decided to shorten the leash by a couple feet.


Scottbarrett15 t1_iz5n92g wrote

That's the scene they used in the film as well, i mean obviously they weren't going to do it more than once. They thought she was doing an amazing job acting until after the scene they realised it was genuine and they'd massively fucked up her back.


Kalabula t1_iz5quq4 wrote

Paid to get concussed. Ouch! Also, I realize she’s not actually getting hit. But that whiplash can’t be good for the brain.


shane201 t1_iz62a3l wrote

couldn't they have just used a wet noodle?


theotherpachman t1_iz63x4k wrote

I think I found the article you pulled that from and it makes sense... but it feels like the quotes also heavily imply that the Academy could come up with a solution if there were more voices for stunt people at the top.


nwash57 t1_iz6cv9r wrote

It's just similar to the way chatGPT responds to questions. It has a very formulaic "sure I can tell you about {thing within constraints given}. {Tells you about thing}. I hope that helps you understand {thing}."


bjvonstrat t1_iz6qfei wrote

Hello, stuntman here.

The stunt being performed is called a deadman. And yes, they do suck. You have to commit to the run, and then get whiplashed to the ground when you reach the end point. If you're lucky, depending on what you need for the stunt, sometimes you can add a bit of recoil with a bungee system to take the edge off.

The guy with the stick is doing a good job popping the hit, and not following through as well.

As far as air bags go, they are surprisingly stiff when you first hit them. The moment of impact kicks out the air vents, and then the bag softens significantly. But you still need you land pretty clean, or it'll pack a punch.


Parkimedes t1_iz6ssum wrote

It was something like this done in the Exorcist, which broke the child’s back. I think she partially recovered. But these cable stunts can be really dangerous. I bet it’s scary as hell for the stunt person.


bjvonstrat t1_iz87hw5 wrote

I'd agree. With an airbag, if you land clean, it's a pretty safe impact.

With a Deadman, you know that when you reach the end of the line, you're going to get yanked, haha. It's usually a good idea to have a visual marker so that when you reach your end point you can prepare. But yeah, there's no way around the fact that they aren't fun.