Submitted by westondeboer t3_zh6aj8 in gifs
TheIrishJohn t1_izkk9xf wrote
Dud we need "proof"? Haha
BushWookie-Alpha t1_izkke8l wrote
We didn't.... But... It prevents Team Simba from saying otherwise.
FrankieMint t1_izkltvv wrote
Don't worry, he'll be back for another round later on!
SplodyPants t1_izkmsyt wrote
That genuinely looks like fun. I can't blame the little ragamuffin.
justconfusedinCO t1_izkwrez wrote
Sprinkle_Puff t1_izkzrme wrote
That little asshole. Damn I love him already.
Raiden115X t1_izl1870 wrote
And plug in the lights...
themessiah234 t1_izl2j3r wrote
Has anyone ever thought about using pickles as baubles?
NoStorage2821 t1_izl5m9c wrote
Little shit just won't give up
jonitfcfan t1_izl7s5x wrote
"This was only the beginning, hooman. I have plans for this tree..."
Tsashimaru t1_izlbbfo wrote
Spray it with water or discipline it. Teach these rats some discipline or they’ll walk all over you.
cool_slowbro t1_izld5nm wrote
I was half expecting a completely unnecessary slow-mo, thank you for not doing that.
ChrisChrisBangBang t1_izlha4k wrote
Having a cat seems annoying
moogloogle t1_izlirnx wrote
moogloogle t1_izlixbs wrote
Naaah, its just a different adventure every day.
missyamboy t1_izlkn7o wrote
Thanks I needed that!
modsarefascists42 t1_izlom20 wrote
Someone show this to that 4' high fence guy
hotpea t1_izloogz wrote
Say what you want about cats, but they would never work for the police 😤
skib900 t1_izlrne4 wrote
To catch the kittles?
Mrhere_wabeer t1_izlsxci wrote
You know when that tail stops waggin,, it's about to go down
youngmindoldbody t1_izltt2l wrote
xmas cat-toy
ChaoticToxin t1_izlut9p wrote
After seeing all these cats in trees. I think if I had a cat I would either have a tree in a room the cat can't get to(door) or just use a tree decal on the wall
n-some t1_izluwvb wrote
I know ragamuffin has been a term for well over a century, but every time I see it I think about the genre of music first.
TheOwnerOfRaddit t1_izlv4vu wrote
Did they forget cats can jump?
Caveman108 t1_izm0qdt wrote
It’s a regular oscillation between utter frustration and absolute adoration. When they’re not being total assholes they’re the sweetest little things.
Anxiety_is_my_Moon t1_izm14li wrote
WishBear19 t1_izm6a12 wrote
This would 100% entice my cat to attack it more
Old_Passage_5670 t1_izm8o0p wrote
ThrivingBob t1_izm8rqy wrote
Is it wrong that I was like go Cat!!! Cheering it on the moment I saw it
BanditSpark t1_izm9dgg wrote
I saw the first frame and I was like “That’s no challenge for a cat. She’s gonna get it.”
hvgotcodes t1_izm9mbq wrote
I mean, of course the cat could get up there….
theshreddening t1_izmd8jy wrote
Reason 183746 why I'll pass on cats
twistymctwist t1_izmdp5n wrote
Wow love that raccoon tail 😍
hotpea t1_izmex03 wrote
He man he was coerced, and he immediately killed himself in defiance, causing a huge loss for them. My point stands!
ClubbinGuido t1_izmg31y wrote
Lmao why are cats like this!?
buttonions89 t1_izmltro wrote
What a little fucker 😀😀. But he’s very cute so I’ll give him a pass.
Koffeekage t1_izmn1ao wrote
Now put it on one of those spring loaded pulleys so it lowers to the ground when it has at least on cat on it
ratmanbland t1_izmpopj wrote
childs play cut another 18 inches off but doubt if that's enough.
_SubliminalCriminal_ t1_izmvgnp wrote
I’ll never get it but cat hags find it adorable to own an animal that has zero respect or boundaries for their owners living space. And that’s not even my biggest problem which is god forbid you don’t like cats cat peoples world fucken melts and your a bad person.
MrAtheistus t1_izmx80a wrote
I don't need proof that my cats are assholes sometimes :D But damn do I love them!
Edit: Happy Cake Day!
Richybabes t1_izn2o2p wrote
Your house looks like an optical illusion and I can't quite put my finger on why.
Sololololololol t1_izn38uv wrote
You fools! You’ve only made it more enticing!
wyntereign t1_izna0re wrote
Why do people let their animals do this? Cats on kitchen counters. Dogs biting furniture. You're all morons for not training your pets to do stupid shit like this. It's cute the first time they do something, then the next time they destroy something of value, like a laptop, and it's not so cute anymore.
Butterbuddha t1_izncu0m wrote
Idk what’s up with everyone else’s cat. I’ve had a cat for over 20 years (well several over that span) and they always hide on the floor under the tree. Not one time have any of them tried to jump up into it. 🤷♂️
XTJ7 t1_iznfle5 wrote
Looking at the tree before the cat jumped it, that clearly wasn't the first time :D
AstroRiker t1_iznrd5k wrote
That cat has a ringed lemur tail! That’s cheating!
GryphonGuitar t1_iznstru wrote
I love the "Ok, now what" look when it gets up.
retrodork t1_izntyuo wrote
Reminds me of my cat when I used to have a cat. He could go into Hunter mode and climb the Christmas tree with his little head poking out from the top of the tree.
Discoveryellow t1_iznvccs wrote
Do all ICBMs have cats for doing navigation calculations or just the older models?
[deleted] t1_iznycu2 wrote
K3ttl3C0rn t1_izo7ere wrote
Showed this to my husband. He said whoever did this doesn’t know cats. They’d need a 12 foot ceiling for that to actually work.
AgathaM t1_izo86ep wrote
My first year of marriage (many moons ago), we had a tree and a cat. The cheapest ornaments we could buy (students and working crap jobs) were these really thin glass ornaments. We would be laying in bed about to sleep and would hear this “tinkle tinkle tinkle” sound of the cat batting at the ornament. Then we would hear it fall and break. The cat would obviously sit silently, waiting to see what we would do (or just mild sadness that it broke) and then would pick another ornament.
That cat broke many of those ornaments. We still have the remainder. They don’t make it on the tree very often but they are a great reminder of our newlywed year and that car. He was a great cat.
Crazypete3 t1_izo9o67 wrote
twicethetoots t1_izodsdm wrote
When I had cats the only thing that'd keep them away from the tree was a hairdressers spray bottle filled with water. Took about 3 encounters before they realized it wasn't worth getting wet.
funkysynapses t1_izoe037 wrote
The reason i love cats. And children. They just don’t give a fuck. Dogs actually respect you.
Telemicaster t1_izoi0s9 wrote
Imagine thinking you’re only allowed to like or must prefer one thing vs. another because of a make-believe dichotomy.
CaptainHaw t1_izoozg6 wrote
Bad things always to happen when cats wiggle their tail.
theoldpropensity t1_izorhaq wrote
I love this so much
silverQuarter82 t1_izowra8 wrote
He looks just like my littl' asshole...
Viper67857 t1_izp46c8 wrote
Only because cats will work for no one. They only torture and kill things for fun, not for a paycheck.
hotpea t1_izp5nm2 wrote
Hell yeah
IOBOBC t1_izpbx8x wrote
> make-believe dichotomy.
youre describing most opinions. cats are shit! dogs number one!
BushWookie-Alpha t1_izkiuze wrote
Proof irrefutable that Cats are Assholes.